
It was an eventuality you knew was coming:

The latest imitator of You Tube is the aptly named You Porn. It is precisely what its moniker suggests: a Triple X version of YouTube.

Like YouTube, people can upload their own homemade videos. Like YouTube, these video uploads get watched, rated, categorized, and reviewed. Like YouTube, categories include "New Videos," "Top Rated" and "Most Viewed." The oldest video I came across dates back to Saturday, August 26, 2006.

Pic_youtubelogo_123x63There is, however, one small but crucial difference between YouTube and YouPorn: The latter is all porn all the time. There seems to be a burgeoning number of people — "Amateurs" in industry parlance — who have been getting busy videotaping themselves, well, getting busy.

This represents an interesting reversal: For most of the internet’s history, Porn was a driving force behind many of the technological advances we have come to take for granted: Streaming media, P2P, online credit card processing, associate programs, micropayments, all found their start (or got a healthy push) from commerical internet porn. This is one of the few instances I can recall where Porn is imitating a mainstream innovation, rather than vice versa (titles of Porn films notwithstanding).

PinkThree legal issues are likely to dog the YouPorn site: First, the name is close enough to YouTube that a trademark issue may arise; Google does’t seem to shy away from enforcing their IP. Second, there is enough commercially produced XXX material on the site that the standard copyright infringement issues which are causing problems for YouTube are likely to be similarly problematic.

The potentially stickiest problem I can foresee is the ages of the performers. There seems to be an inordinate amount of very young players here (late teens early/20s) — and given the explicit nature of the uploaded videos, they may run into a child pornography problem. I would imagine that verifying the ages of all the anonymous performers on YouPorn is an administrative challenge of the highest order.


Related story: About 7 years ago, I was working on a research project involving Scour
— a P2P video version of Napster. At the time, the MPAA and RIAA was
threatening litigation against them. Despite an investment from Michael
Eisner, the lawsuits eventually sent them belly up. I never bothered to publish the piece.  But the MPAA’s participation in the
litigation surprised me, since ~90% of Scour’s traffic was
triple-X rated. Too bad I never published the piece (working title: "Defenders of the Porn!") — it made the MPAA look foolish.

Ever since that project, very little in the porn industry surprises me.

Which brings me back to YouPorn: The post-Gen Y crowd has a penchant for chronicling their entire lives for all to see online. And as many are learning to their chagrin, digital media is even harder to erase than tattoos; both are likely to be a source of embarrassment in the future. It may even have professional repurcussions ("Miss Jones, we were about to hire you for the research position, but based on this video that surfaced, your skill set is obviously more suitable for sales").

You Porn takes the wages of bad judgement to another level entirely.


UPDATE: March 9, 2007 6:05am

One final note:  Would someone please explain to me what parents — and which plastic surgeons — are giving 16 year olds breast implants? What is the I thought process (or lack thereof) at work here? I have to admit to being totally stumped. Then again, I don’t understand the million dollar sweet 16s.

Any father considering getting his teenage daughter implants would do well to watch this video ("Sexy teen webcam strip") prior to making the purchase. This is what you are setting yourself up for: Creepy boyfriends with video cameras, and permament records of her bad judgment — and yours.


UPDATE: March 23, 2007 7:05am

Here’s a variation for you fans of Japanese animated porn: YouHentai

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. SINGER commented on Mar 8

    dude…you mean you haven’t been using PORNTUBE???

  2. rob_halford commented on Mar 8

    Defenders of the Porn? What was the inspiration for that working title?

  3. Barry Ritholtz commented on Mar 8

    Given that Scour was mostly Porn Traffic, the MPAA was essentially fighting on behalf of non-Academy commercial porn producers . . .

  4. Si commented on Mar 8

    Jeez, I think the world has officially gone mad, seriously. On the one hand I’ve rabid political correctness telling me what to think, say and do and then this crap being displayed for anyone, including young kids to see.
    Humans…..where the hell did all the class go?

  5. muckdog commented on Mar 8

    I’m just glad the internet wasn’t around when I was 14. My GPA would’ve been HORRRRRRIBLE.

  6. semper fubar commented on Mar 8

    There seems to be an inordinate amount of very young players here (late teens early/20s)

    And you know this… how?


  7. dave commented on Mar 8

    Uhm has been around for at least a year….

  8. Bob A commented on Mar 8

    Who knows. One day the internet may decay American society so much that women even dare to go topless at the beach. Just like those savages in Europe. Heaven save us.

  9. Britt commented on Mar 8

    So there I am on Bellsouth DSL checking out Barry’s latest find. Bellsouth which is all over the southeast.

    When I notice that in the commercial links over on the right side of the page there’s a note in hot red that says, “Hot girls in …” my little town.

    How did they do that? How can they tell that a BS DSL url is located in one small town?

    Anyone know?

    “then this crap being displayed for anyone, including young kids to see.”

    Weren’t the top edges of all the sex-word-related index cards in *your* high school library card file a lot more worn than the Latin and Greek ones? They were in my local public library, too…

  10. brion commented on Mar 8

    “And as many are learning to their chagrin, digital media is even harder to erase than tattoos; both are likely to be a source of embarrassment in the future.”

    Don’t you get it Barry?
    “embarrassment” is soooo 20th century.
    America is entering it’s Satyricon phase….

  11. Chief Tomahawk commented on Mar 8

    I remember almost getting stampeded about 4 years ago at a library branch when it opened for business. Seems the race was on (all guys) to get to the unfiltered internet terminals. And according to the reference librarian it was a normal day.

    One thing is for sure: free, unfiltered interent has brought a group back to the library who wouldn’t be there otherwise…

  12. Leisa commented on Mar 8


    It all starts in the shoe department.

  13. DavidB commented on Mar 9

    When I notice that in the commercial links over on the right side of the page there’s a note in hot red that says, “Hot girls in …” my little town.

    How did they do that? How can they tell that a BS DSL url is located in one small town?

    Anyone know?


    answer 1. We know everything about you as we have since the day you were born. This is an experiment and the studio audience is snikering at your ignorance even now. We were wondering how long it would take for you to begin to catch on

    answer 2. Your ip indicates that you are from a certain geographic location. Click here to see a demonstration of what can be known about your general location

  14. Adrasteia commented on Mar 9

    This makes what, the 250th porn related youtube clone?

  15. Sherman McCoy commented on Mar 9

    O, Barry! How I love thee! Words cannot express the dandy delight I felt when the word “Porn” appeared as title to your top post!

    Incidentally, I have some anecdotal evidence that Wall Street’s consumption of porn has increased substantially since last week’s Chinese Black Tuesday. Especially the BDSM and rough sex stuff…

  16. Sponge Todd Square Pants commented on Mar 9


    You amaze me dude. I never would have figured you for a porn junkie. Were you up all night watching porn and trading some Yen? That webcam strip was top notch. I love spanking it in the morning.

  17. Barry Ritholtz commented on Mar 9

    Purely intellectual curiousity — nothing prurient at all!

    The funny thing is, the person who showed me this is a CEO of a respectable internet company who was a former senior management person at a very major (top 5) web company.

    The reality is that adult stuff is a vastly disproportionate part of the internet. Too many people ignore this/pretend it doesn’t exist, but it is a very significant business.

    I cannot afford to let my prudishness (heheh) keep me from learning alla bout what is going on . . .

  18. DD commented on Mar 9

    dude that chick was born to be a stripper whether her parents like it or not…some people are born to be radiologists others are born to be strippers…she is the latter. She even has the stripper clothes!! Anyhow…how can anyone prove she is underage…and if not they simply have to take it down…it’s not their content anyway…they didn’t post it per say…they are still held responsible??

  19. Kevin Depew commented on Mar 9

    Google’s $1.65 billion purchase of Youtube last year allows us to put a price tag on this potentially new and important user-generated content site. Just doing a back-of-the-envelope calculation based on GOOG’s purchase price and Youtube’s revenue we can get a pretty good estimate of what YouPorn is worth.
    * YouTube generated $50 million in revenue last year.
    * Online porn generated $2.5 billion in revenue last year.
    * By my calculations, based on GOOG’s $1.85 bln purchase of YouTube, that makes You Porn worth an estimated $6.73 to $11.46 trillion.

    I hope YouPorn does a b-round investment raise. Where do I sign?

  20. greg0658 commented on Mar 9

    Britt – click the Borg logo Site Meter box in the lower right hand corner of this blogsite … incredible amount of info

    DavidB – it’s not funny … that powerful tools in the hands of fools make trouble for all

  21. Michael commented on Mar 9


    You said “The oldest video I came across was” — oh nevermind, it’s just too easy of a setup. :-)

  22. DavidB commented on Mar 9

    DavidB – it’s not funny … that powerful tools in the hands of fools make trouble for all

    Greg, you can either laugh about it or cry about it. In between makes you a non feeling human….Crying about it is a waste of time considering all the good we can do with that time on the fringes of the madness

    My philosophy has always been that if you are not willing to die for what trips off your tongue then what is the point of saying it? If you start there everything gets a lot easier.

    Either the state or a bus will get us one day anyway. Most people have wasted their lives worrying about both.

    When it finally comes time to stand up and punch some totalitarian in the nose either literally or legally or whatnot(and I don’t doubt that day is coming……probably soon)….I’ll be there. Until then don’t waste lighter fluid setting your hair on fire.

    Myriads of Peace to you

  23. Si commented on Mar 9

    Fathers giving daughters breast implants?….really,
    what a bunch of f*****g morons.

  24. brion commented on Mar 9

    i just watched a bit of that stripper girl….
    okay, now who found that erotic? Hands? (boners?)

    Didn’t do it for me but then again my wife is pretty and i probably think too much…

    What i saw was “monkey see-monkey do”.
    What i saw was nothin more than cultural brainwashing.
    Porn has become mainstreamed in a logical progression of the marketing to Americans of TRANSGRESSION! (Remember how everything became “extreme” a while ago? Extreme sports, extreme music, extreme fighting, extreme food,extreme paper towels etc? And Gansta Hip Hop with its’ focus on hedonism, uber materialism, violence and self gratification? Or our Politics. “Here. Let’s have a war. And NO sacrifices, in fact we’ll CUT TAXES! Because…IT’s YOUR MONEY!! NOW GO SHOPPING PATRIOTS!!)

    The girl is too young to be convincingly erotic but she is just young enough to be brainwashed into aping the current envelope pushing transgression in our culture.
    It’s pretty sickening really.
    Don’t get me wrong, i’m not a prude. But some things are best left to the pros.

  25. Sponge Todd Square Pants commented on Mar 9


    excellent points. I must not be quite as evolved as you though, because I was aroused watching it. I am 19 bid on her age.Which is a sophmore as far as strippers go.

  26. Ken M. commented on Mar 9

    Regarding the “UPDATE:”,

    The teen’s boobs at least look good when they’re covered by a dress (or sweater, etc.). If that’s what she wants, so be it. But they may not be so sexy in another 10 yrs or so.

    For more disincentive, prospective customers should visit, and check out whatever category it is that dear ol’ dad is considering paying for. There are lots of horrid lips, cheeks, boobs and most everything else in there. Bear in mind that many of these are wealthy stars and personalities, who should be able to afford having it done correctly. If they can get it screwed it up so badly, what are D. O. D.’s chances?

  27. brion commented on Mar 9

    thanks Squish Pants…. You wouldn’t think i was so evolved though if you hid my Coffeemaker ;)

    Like i said though, my wife is bella bella.

  28. Sponge Todd Square Pants commented on Mar 9

    Is mainstreaming of porn an example of moral relativism and is moral relativism a means for big media to get rich. I recommend the 1976 movie “Network” to anyone who hasn’t seen it.

  29. brion commented on Mar 9

    yup. “Network”…..pure prophesy.
    Didja see “Idiocracy” yet Todd?

  30. Sponge Todd Square Pants commented on Mar 9


    I did see Idiocracy.It made its point in the first 30 minutes, then it got lame. I summarize its message as how the “Sean Kemp Experience” and its cultural ramifications will reshape America and its subordinated territories.

  31. commented on Mar 9

    Write-Offs: 03.09.07

    $$$I’ll be working in the city this summer. I’d like to split a studio or one-bedroom with a summer fling — half the rent and a cute boy to have sex with on demand. We’d share a bed — it’ll…

  32. Harry commented on Mar 9

    As an engineering manager for a very large global IP network, I can tell you a large percentage of Web traffic is sourced by adult content providers. They have the biggest connections in the network and, somewhat surprisingly, they are usually also the best customers in terms of paying bills on time, buying service upgrades, etc.

  33. gorobei commented on Mar 9


    I really hope my daughters watch some of those videos before having sex themselves. Seeing average people having sex together seems much better than learning about sex from professional porno moves (or worse, not having learned about it at all.)

    With regards to hiring, I basically don’t give a damn: we spend 10+ hours on a junior hire. If the candidate doesn’t bring the topic up, I just don’t care. All I want is a person that can do the job I need filled. Welcome to Wall Street.

    Finally, this is great! You’re never going to look as good as you were at age 20 or whatever. Shoot that video, it’ll give you some smiles in your old age. Sex is something to be enjoyed and perhaps shared. Why is everyone getting so hung up about this?

    I’m 45, I had to abide by stupid zero-tolerance drug policies and pointless govt sponsored abstinence messages, I hope my kids’ generation has a lot more fun.

  34. brion commented on Mar 10

    yea. I hope my kids find other people to narcisistically masturbate with too!
    Nope. Human relations don’t get much better than SEX! Nosiree Bob!
    In fact, didn’t the poet George Sand once say,
    “There is only one happiness. To Fuck and be Fucked”.
    Yup, Thank god for Porno! Otherwise i might have to TALK to my own kids about SEX!!
    Well, bye! Gotta go make some more big bucks!

  35. gorobei commented on Mar 10

    Newflash for those without kids:

    1) Your kids are going to masturbate.
    2) Your kids will probably watch porn.
    3) Your kids are going to fuck other people.
    4) Talking to your kids won’t change the above points.

    Sex doesn’t screw up human relationships, but all the guilt, shame and god knows what else does. It’s a bit like the difference between money and the love of money.

  36. brion commented on Mar 10

    Update to the NewsFlash:

    5) Your kids are going to cheat at school
    6) Your kids are going to vote Republican
    7) Your kids will use illegal drugs
    8) Your kids will be freaking idiots

    because their parents will be F#@&ing assholes.

  37. gorobei commented on Mar 10

    5. Possible. I’m against cheating but kids make their own choices.
    6. I hope so. Anyone who votes for the same party their entire life is pretty broken.
    7. I hope so. Nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol are pretty thin gruel.
    8. Maybe. Their teachers don’t seem to think so, though.

    You’re probably right on the parent thing.

  38. Ralph Joseph commented on Mar 16

    Check out

    Similar site with a much better interface and a way to embed porn in your mySpace accounts !!!

  39. Arthur commented on Mar 18

    Lots of websites like that exist on the web.

    Another example can be :

    This one broadcast xxx movies that exceed several minutes and that have a good quality.

  40. Clicked commented on Mar 20

    With a little help…

    Some mail from the past couple weeks in basically chronological order.

    Good morning,I just wanted…

  41. Clicked commented on Mar 20

    With a little help…

    Some mail from the past couple weeks in basically chronological order.

  42. chris commented on May 31

    dude,…i was just watching this site…and i notice that a lot of the performers look like theyre 15!…i think that the FCC should put down these site for violiting child pornography laws

  43. albert commented on Jun 13 is also a great adult site. is awesome

  44. sofar118 commented on Jun 21

    There is a new great one launched.

    It’s amazing!

  45. youporn commented on Jun 23

    By the way in germany there is a real hype among the bloggers. They all try to get on top of google with the key youporn in order to catch a lot of traffic! It’s really extreme!

  46. Nice Dude commented on Jul 15

    I kinda agree with the article posted above about age verification. I think there should be a age verification process inwhich a person displays his or her age in the beginning of the video, and the website approving that video. It would be a safer call for everyone involved. I don’t know whats the deal with underage pornography, its sick, and the sickest thing is its uploaded on the internet. The people who are involved in such a thing should recieve punishment. For that reason age verification and approval is very important.

  47. kathy jones commented on Jul 23

    dear sir/madam writer,

    your update from march 7th, 2007 shows that you obviously do not live in germany or anywhere in europe.

    what the young lady with the tiny boobs displays is perfectly legal in germany and is not even considered porn by law. you will see pictures like these on any newspapers there and film scenes a bit juicier than this one on german tv daily.

    she looks like eighteen to me which is the adult age for everything in germany, and if she wants to have her boobs enhanced (although i do not advise this) she is rightfully entitled to do so.

    in my opinion, age verification is more important to the viewers as kidporn is outlawed already and heavily prosecuted. luckily.

    although you can’t google the youporn in germany, minors in europe already know where the sweet stuff is and watch whatever is offered on youtube.

    and again, the same problem as ever, the public cannot scream for the state to react but it is the dull, ignorant and lazy parents, in germany and everywhere else, whose duty it is to have an eye on what their children are doing.

    sincerely from across the pond


  48. mike commented on Jul 30

    Heh, if i was gonna work for a company and they checked me out on the internet and found i had made a porn movie (or simply looked on my Myspace, Friends reunited etc) and rejected me for that i wouldnt want to be working for the prudish scum anyway. This is OUR world now!

  49. Kevin commented on Sep 4

    So this is where you get all your traffic from? Just kidding! Keep up the good work. I’ve subscribed to your blog.

  50. lol commented on Sep 20

    [quote]Google’s $1.65 billion purchase of Youtube last year allows us to put a price tag on this potentially new and important user-generated content site. Just doing a back-of-the-envelope calculation based on GOOG’s purchase price and Youtube’s revenue we can get a pretty good estimate of what YouPorn is worth.
    * YouTube generated $50 million in revenue last year.
    * Online porn generated $2.5 billion in revenue last year.
    * By my calculations, based on GOOG’s $1.85 bln purchase of YouTube, that makes You Porn worth an estimated $6.73 to $11.46 trillion.

    I hope YouPorn does a b-round investment raise. Where do I sign?[/quote]

    You idiot! Youporn doesn’t own the entire online porn industry! Wtf are you smoking?

  51. Rob Hoover commented on Oct 22

    Good read… I believe that we will always have markets for streams, downloads, free, rentals and pay per view video on demand. The problem is having the right balance of each… “if you build it they will come” for pay per view visit with 40,000+ DVD movies with your brand or ours for private label solutions.

  52. jbffed commented on Oct 29

    Porn 2.0 sites like are the new wave of online porn. Why pay for porn when you get excellent content for free? Long live Porn 2.0

  53. Poppa commented on Nov 8

    Concerning breast implants for 16 year olds: my daughter had them. Reason? By some quirk of nature, she was very asymmetrical. Kids are irrational; she was embarrassed and ashamed; it was making her life a misery. So we arranged for something to be done about it. Looking “normal” changed her life. She’s proud of her appearance and flaunts her decolletage at every opportunity, even 8 years later. She’s a kind, warm-hearted, clever young woman and we’re damn proud of her, and damn proud of being able to help her.

    Stripping on some sleaze website is nothing to do with breast implants. And judging others without all the information is a knee-jerk reaction. And as we all know, the knee-jerk reflex is at a pretty low level; we have brains higher up the chain to do the heavy lifting.

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