Gun Stats, Research and Sources

Since this is a day dedicated to peace, here are some sources for those of you interested in facts and data and stuff:

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country (Guardian)
Harvard Injury Control Research Center says results are clear: more guns = more homicide.
12 Facts About Guns in the U.S. (Washington Post)
The gun control that works (Economist)
A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths (The Atlantic)
Battleground America: The United States of Guns (New Yorker)
Six facts about guns, violence, and gun control (Washington Post)
The money behind the Newtown massacre (Fortune)
The Geography of U.S. Gun Violence: Gun deaths correlate to per capita gun ownership (The Atlantic)
Fifteen things to know about Australia’s incredibly effective gun clampdown (Quartz)
• Pro Publica also reviews The Best Reporting on Guns in America

The factual data is pretty sobering . . .

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