10 Monday PM Reads

My afternoon train reading:

• Are Small-Cap Stocks Overpriced? (WSJ)
• Industrial Stocks Take ETF Bounty (Bloomberg)
• Millions by millions, CEO pay goes up (USA Today)
• How Techmeme Became The Must-Read News Site For Everyone In The Multibillion-Dollar Tech Industry (Business Insider)
• Soaring Housing Costs Driving Educated People From Big Cities (Real Time Economics)
• Average Is Over: Why The Skills Required For Great Jobs Are Changing (Farnam Street)
• The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain (Overthought)
• GOP Grapples With The Unsettling Fear That Obamacare May Succeed (Talking Points Memo)
• Why Global Warming Will Cross a Dangerous Threshold in 2036 (Scientific American)
• Americans finally understand that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol (WonkBlog)

What are you reading?


More Investors Are Drawn to Dividends

Source: WSJ


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