Quote of the Day: On Markets

A friend I used to work with who buys distressed debt/CDOs emails me this:

I don’t remember when you had this on your site, but it caught my eye. I printed it and hung on my computer screen. I read it once a day. It restores in me faith that my perseverance, honesty and respectful treatment of all I come in contact with in business is the only way to do this thing called life.

I totally forgot about that, and thanks to Google, I was able to find the original version of that:

It is the markets’ job to reallocate money from the ignorant to the intelligent, from the lazy to the hard working and studious; from the naive to the educated, and from the speculator to the investor.

My response was “Hey, that’s really good! Are you sure I wrote that?”

Turns out I did . . .

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