Let’s Get Ready to Rumble !

Rob writes in to say:

There has been a wee bit of a dispute going on between CNBC’s Jim Cramer and Jon Stewart of The Comedy Channel. Sort of like there was a mild difference of opinion between the Allies and the Nazis. Or perhaps like that time that Ali and Frazier got together for a light workout.

Well, tonight on The Daily Show, Cramer will be Stewart’s guest. That should prove to be rather interesting.

Here are some clips of the matter up to this point. By the way, whether you agree with Cramer or whether you agree with Stewart, this is pretty funny stuff.


Jon Stewart’s original bashing of Cramer/CNBC and his follow-ups after Cramer began talking about it on the air. (Note – it takes a while to view the videos, but its not like we’re busy making money or doing work anyway these days):

1) March 4, 2009: CNBC Gives Financial Advice


2) March 6, 2009 Some Liquid Sunshine: An “intervention” by Stephen Colbert (also of The Comedy Channel)


3) Monday, 9 Mar 2009 Cramer’s retort and explanation:


4) March 9, 2009: In Cramer We Trust


5) March 10, 2009: Basic Cable Personality Clash Skirmish ’09


Final clash of the titans this evening at 11pm . . .

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