Top 10 Things the Letters “GM” Stands For

On Monday, I asked what the letters GM stood for — using “Government Motors” or “Gimme Money” as examples. Readers responded with 100s of examples of possible other names that worked well.

In fact, there were quite a few fantastic suggestions, which I culled down to a Letterman style short list of my favorites:


Top 10 Things the Letters “GM” Stands For

10. Got More?

9. Goals missed

8. Giant Mess


6. Government Mooch

5. Grossly Mismanaged

4. Got Mechanic?

3. Gasguzzlin’ Monsters

2. Goodbye Michigan!

And the number thing the letters”G” and “M” stands for:

1. Gambled & Missed


Honorable Mentions after the jump . . .

As we get closer to publication, maybe we will run some contests like this with Bailout Nation related swag as prizes.

Generic Mediocrity

Grotesque Machines

Goldman Missing
(that’s why they haven’t gotten a blank check)

Got Mylanta?

Gone (in 3) months

Gross Mismanagement

Guaranteed Mistake

Graft & Malfeasance

Government Masturbation

Good-bye Markets!

Gargantuan Moneypit

Gigantic Mess

Glaring Mistakes

Grand Mugging

Gullible Morons

Gargantuan Mistake

Genuflect Motors

Good-bye Money!

Greenspan’s Mistake

Gone Mad

Gotta Move-on

Gluttonous Moochers

Great Mistake

Government Mule

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