Media Appearance: Morning Meeting



The whirlwind media tour continues apace this morning, with a discussion with Dylan Ratigan & Co. on MSNBC’s Morning Meeting about Goldman Sachs earnings at about 9:10am.

Goldman’s profits were an astounding 3.44 billion dollars — $4.93 share — far surpassing the $3.65 consensus; For details,  see this Bloomberg article, Goldman Sachs Posts Record Profit, Beating Estimates on Trading.

A few things worth thinking about:

Goldman Sachs got $13-billion in bailout payments via AIG

• That was after Goldman squeezed AIG for $5.9 billion before the bailout (Oh, and Goldman execs dumped $700m of stock as Lehman collapsed).

• Salon’s Glenn Greenwald has the full timeline of all the events preceding Goldman Sachs’ new “blowout profits”

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