How to Survive Natural Disasters

What took place in Haiti might make you want to stop and ask: if there was a natural disaster in my home, would I know what to do? Would I have all of the necessary supplies to ride it out until help arrived?

From basic survival gear, to making sure you and your family are comfortable, there is plenty you can do in advance. I don’t mean the bat-shit crazy survivalist fall out shelters, but a handful of easy things to do the next time you go to the Wal-Mart or Target or even the supermarket.

Start with the basics: Store in a cool dry place plenty of bottled water, batteries, flashlights, and a radio. Candles, waterproof matches, a can opener, a Swiss army knife, are also helpful. Formula or baby food if applicable. First aid kit, aspirin, disinfectant. If you have small children, simple games and toys will keep them busy as opposed to frightened. Depending upon the prescription drugs you take, a few days to a weeks worth. Pet food if applicable. Basic camping gear sleeping bags and blankets, water filters, dried foods are also helpful. (If using your basement, get them off the floor and onto shelves).

Popular Mechanics posted a number of special issues on disaster preparedness, with stories on:

7 Best First Aid Kits For Any Situation;

Steps to save yourself when a natural disaster hits;

Smart survival tactics that saved lives;

Unexpected, But Essential Survival Kit Items

Must-have survival gadgets and gear;

SURVIVE ANYTHING: Guide to Worst-Case Scenarios

8 Tools and Gadgets to Prepare Your Home For Any Disaster

• There is an emergency preparedness guide by the L.A. Fire Department (pdf);• You can find more info at

Good stuff worth a look . . .

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