Monday Reads

Some reads to start the week:

Alan Greenspan fights back (Fortune)  Four years after leaving the Fed as the Greatest Central Banker Ever, the longest-serving chairman, the Maestro, Alan Greenspan is the designated goat.

Dorfman: Buy Stock Now to Ride Second Stage of Bull Market (Bloomberg)

The perils of economic populism (The New Yorker)

What I Learned From Hank Paulson’s Book (Real Time Economics) I don’t know about Wessell, but I learned that when the going got tough, Paulson prays. A lot. Personally, I prefer rigorous analytical thinking to prayer, but that’s because I have a bias towards rationality in the public sphere.

Water From Air Machine Providing Clean Water to Doctors, Nurses and Patients at Port-au-Prince, Haiti Hospital (Yahoo)

The State of the Internet (Focus)

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