Employment Chart Roundup

Once again, we’ve scoured the intertubes looking for the most interesting, unusual and informative charts about the Employment Situation, to use the BLS vernacular.

Here are 10 of the best of what we found (as always, click for larger charts):


Labor Utilization: U3 versus U6 Unemployment

Courtesy of EconomPic

Monthly Change in Payroll Employment


courtesy of Briefing.com


Unit Labor Cost Relative to Inflation

(82% correlation)

Courtesy of Haver Analytics (David Rosenberg, Gluskin Sheff)


Unemployment Rate by Educational Attainment

courtesy of Chart of the Day


Temporary Help Hiring

Courtesy of Bruce Steinberg.net


Some Sectors Show Signs of Life

Courtesy of EconomPic


Comparing Post WW2 Recessions

Courtesy of CalculatedRisk


NFIB Survey Data:

Courtesy of NFIB


Breakdown of Unemployed by Race, Gender

(Interactive WSJ chart)

courtesy of WSJ


Payroll Employment and Hiring Plans

Courtesy of BCA

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