CEO/CFO Poll on SEC vs GS

You may not have read about a recent poll by the Argyle Executive Forum. They conducted a survey (electronically) of its C-level execs and “senior corporate leadership community.”

It did not seem to make many media outlets. For whatever reason, the MSM seems to have its lips puckered firmly up against Goldman’s assets.
I only happened across it in Robin Goldwyn Blumenthal’s Review column in this week’s Barron’s.

The poll is quite informative, and does not bode well for Goldie if they have to go the distance in front of a jury.

The exact survey question was:

As Goldman Sachs Group is currently at the center of a legal maelstrom triggered by the SEC’s fraud charge last week, we want to ask you how you currently feel about the charges. Please select one of the below:

• I feel the firm is innocent
• I feel the firm is guilty
• I am currently unsure

The electronic poll produced the following results:

• 55.2% of business leaders feel Goldman Sachs is guilty
• 20.7% of business leaders feel Goldman Sachs is innocent, and
• 24.1% of business leaders are currently unsure

If corporate execs overwhelmingly think Goldie is guilty, what does that say the man in the street will think?

One other note: The size of the polling sample is unknown. I’d prefer to see what that datapoint was. We always prefer polling data to be a substantial number — not a small sample.


From Womb to Wall Street
Robin Goldwyn Blumenthal’s
Barron’s APRIL 24, 2010

In a vote, Goldman Sachs has trouble
UPI, April 21, 2010 at 4:40 PM

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