Lessons for the Apprenticed Investor

Hey, I managed to track down all of the Apprenticed Investor series from the Street.com. Some of these really stand the test of time:

In this special series of articles from RealMoney contributor and market strategist Barry Ritholtz, learn about becoming a better investor — not just a better stock picker, but someone who knows how to preserve capital and manage risk. Learn the traps, pitfalls and common errors that befall all too many investors, while discovering the damaging myths that keep individuals from profiting in the market.

Don’t Just Do Something. Sit There!
Guessing at a bottom costs money. Studying the market until you see the right time pays off. More

Apprenticed Investor: Seven Steps for Handling Stock Tips
The Apprenticed Investor guide to what to do the next time you hear about a ‘sure thing.’ More

Apprenticed Investor: More Reading Ideas
Best books on economics, technical analysis, short-selling, fundamental analysis, life on Wall Street and more. More

Apprenticed Investor: Reading Is Fundamental
In part 1 of a series, a look at favorite books on investing, psychology and market history. More

There Are No Shortcuts
Authors promising the ‘secret’ of investing success are modern versions of snake oil salesmen. More

The Stop-Loss Breakdown
We review several other stop-loss strategies you can use to prevent losses from getting out of hand.  More

Protect Your Backside
Limiting losses in ‘disaster’ stocks is a crucial element of money management. More

Trading Diary, Part II
Keeping track of how well you are doing with what you purchase is a key to long-term success. More

Write this Down
Keeping a trading diary is a great way to learn from your mistakes and avoid future ones. More

Time Waits for No One
Something’s amiss if you spend more hours planning your weekend than managing your money. More

Bended Knee
Before getting emotional and the dishes start flying, consider a pre-nuptial agreement for stocks. More

Six Keys to Stock Selection
A checklist to see whether a given stock is worthy of your time and investment dollars. More

Curb Your Enthusiasm
An unusual academic study reminds us why too much emotion can harm returns. More

The Zen of Trading
Trading is an active endeavor. These 10 rules will make your trading more effective. More

Surviving Earnings
Examining why results from IBM, Apple, Intel and Yahoo! were greeted so differently. More

Nothing Doing
If you don’t have an edge, staying on the sidelines is usually the right thing to do. More

Tracking Elephants, Part II
The nontechnician’s guide to technical analysis. More

Tracking Elephants, Part I
Knowing what institutions are buying and selling is crucial information revealed in the charts. More

Lose the News
The value of the financial news complex seems to be hugely misunderstood by investors.  More

Folly of Forecasting
Take what the pundits say with a grain of salt, myself included.  More

The Zen of Trading
Trading is an active endeavor. These 10 rules will make your trading more effective. More

Don’t Speak, Part II
More worst things investors say, or the highly ineffective habits of stockholders. More

Bite Your Tongue
The 10 worst things investors say, part 1, or the highly ineffective habits of stockholders. More

Prepare for Battle
It is folly to think you can easily best the sharpest, best-equipped, fastest traders. More

Know Thyself
Human nature often runs counter to successful investing, so resist your instincts. More

Bull or Bear? Neither
Find your style, but don’t cede your money to the siren call of conviction. More

The Wrong Crowd
The investment universe is filled with all types. Here are the ones you should be avoiding. More

Your Fault, Reader
Take responsibility for your trades. More

Expect to Be Wrong
In the present-day realm of investing, the near obsessive focus…  More

Other Stories by Barry Ritholtz:

A Not-So-Efficient-Market Hypothesis (Dec 1, 2004)
An old theory begins to lose its hold on Wall Street. More

Can Sidelined Cash Cause a Blow-Off Top? (Dec 10, 2004)
The short-term implications of excess hedge fund cash may be bullish, up to a point. More

The Importance of Flexible Convictions (Jan 11, 2005)
A core investment approach is important, but successful investors adapt to a changing environment. More

Analysts Still Underestimate Apple (Jan 13, 2005)
Most sell-siders simply don’t ‘get’ Steve Jobs’ company and the potential of the Mac. More

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