Contest: Ideas for Goldman Sachs Ad Campaign

Dealbook reports that Goldman Sachs is kicking off a new advertising campaign:

It is no secret that the American people do not exactly feel warm and fuzzy these days about Wall Street. But among all the firms that have drawn the public’s ire over the past few years, few have come to epitomize money-making nefariousness like Goldman Sachs.

Goldman took its most visible step yet in counteracting that less-than-desirable image on Wednesday, beginning a national advertisement campaign aimed at explaining to average citizens what the company does.

“We need to give them a better understanding of who we are and what we do,” David Wells, a spokesman for Goldman, told DealBook. “This is meant to help do that.”

Heh heh. A better understanding of who they are and what they  do? Hell yeah, we can help you with that. We certainly can help the public understand who you really are.

Thus, tonite’s request: What are your best ideas to rehab the trading giant’s image?

John Melloy of FastMoney kicks things off with these suggestions:

Goldman Sachs: There Are Some Things Money Can’t Buy. For Everything Else, Use JPMorgan.

“Time to Make the Synthetic Credit Default Swaps” (featuring “time to make donuts” guy)

Between Lloyd and Madness Lies… Obsession

My own contribution is decidedly simpler:

“Goldman Sachs: Like we give a fuck what you think of us  . . .”

CrowdQuery: Whats your best (no holds barred) idea for GS’s new ad campaign ? Give me your cleverest pithiest Goldman Sachs PR phrases, and I will make sure they find their way to the right persons . . .


I’ll post the best 10 the way we did for the prior contests: General Motors (Top 10 Things the Letters “GM” Stands For) and UBS (UBS Stands For . . . ?)

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