Steve Perry, Giants Fan, at NLCS Game 5

Gotta love Steve Perry leading a packed house @ AT&T Park, San Francisco in ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ during the 8th inning of Game 5 in the NLCS.


Here’s Bob Lefsetz:

Some things just make you feel good.

I’m going through today’s e-mail and someone linked to this clip. Just another use of the national anthem, “Don’t Stop Believin'”. Hey, it’s great the Giants won the National League Championship and are celebrating, but there’s nothing new here.

And as I continue going through my messages, as the track plays in the background, I’ve heard enough so I go to close that window so I can check out another YouTube clip a few messages down. And when I go to click the close button, I’m confronted with something utterly surprising that does not compute, supposed recluse Steve Perry singing his own song.

Well, we can’t hear him. He’s got no mic. But he’s leading the charge, he’s got his hands in the air, they’ve got his visage on the big screen and I’m stunned how every rumor is untrue. He’s out and about, he’s not obese, he’s there with a smile on his face owning a song that’s been embraced by a younger generation that never experienced Journey and people like me who barely tolerated the band back then, admitting we liked “Lights” and maybe one other track on the local AOR outlet that we had to endure to get to our favorites, and those who never stopped believin’.

On paper, this might barely touch you. But when you watch this video, your heart will start to palpitate, you’ll get all tingly, you’ll enter a zone whose entry key is only music.

(Let the clip play, from the beginning until at least fifty seconds in, then you’ll get it.)

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