The Long Island Index: The Clock is Ticking

The Long Island Index is a project that gathers and publishes data on the Long Island region. The Index does not advocate specific policies. Instead, our goal is to be a catalyst for action, by engaging the community in thinking about our region and its future. Specifically, the Index seeks to:

-Measure where we are and show trends over time
-Encourage regional thinking
-Compare our situation with other similar regions
-Increase awareness of issues and an understanding of their interrelatedness
-Inspire Long Islanders to work together in new ways to achieve shared goals


The Clock is Still Ticking

The Clock is Still Ticking from Long Island Index on Vimeo.

Video created for the Long Island Index 2011 report showing the key problems facing the region.

The Rauch Foundation funded the Long Island Index to gather data on the Long Island region.

Hat tip Simple Complexity

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