A Program to Pillage Before Bankruptcy

“This Is Not A Program to Salvage the [Greek] Economy, It’s a Program for Pillage Before Bankruptcy”


The best quote on the Greek parliament’s vote of confidence for Prime Minister George Papandreou – and thus his austerity plan:

“This is not a program to salvage the economy, it’s a program for pillage before bankruptcy,” said Alexis Tsipras, head of the small opposition Left Coalition.

It’s not just Greece.

As PhD economist Michael Hudson said in 2009::

  • The giant financial institutions have already killed their host – the real American economy
  • Since they realize that the American economy is dead, they are trying to suck as much blood out of America as possible while the corpse is still warm
  • Because the American economy is dead, their plan is to soon jump to another host. They will ship all of their money overseas

For background, see this, this, this and this.

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