10 Monday AM Reads

Some interesting reading to start off your week:

• If It Looks Like a Bear, and Moves Like a Bear … (NYT) see also Pivot Point: Investors Lose Faith in Stocks (WSJ)
Martin Wolf: What do the banks’ target returns on equity tell us? (FT.com)
• Volcker Rule May Lose Its Bite (WSJ) see also Volcker Rule May Extend to Overseas Banks (Bloomberg)
• The upside of economic worries: Lower gas prices (Associated Press)
Thomas Friedman: Help Wanted: Leadership (NYT)
• JPM: Apple Trims Orders for iPad Parts (Bloomberg) see also The Bulls Pull Their Goalie (Reformed Broker)
• U.S. Household Worth Falls for First Time in Year (Bloomberg) see also Poverty pervades the suburbs (Yahoo Finance)
• Were Groupon’s and Overstock’s Management and Auditors Stupid or Did They Condone Improper Accounting Practices? (White Collar Fraud)
• Funk legend Sly Stone now homeless and living out of a van in LA (NY Post)
• CIA Says Global-Warming Intelligence Is ‘Classified’ (Wired)

What are you reading?


Source: Gapingvoid Gallery

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