10 Thursday PM Reads

Here is your afternoon train reading

• The Rise of a Euro Doomsayer (NYT)
• Why Not Break Up Citigroup? (Economix)
Today’s sad WTF headline:  European Children More Likely to Outperform Parents Than Americans (Real Time Economics) (PDF)
• Robert X. Cringely On His ‘Lost Interview’ With Steve Jobs (Forbes) see also 5 lessons from Steve Jobs’ “lost” interview (CBS News)
• Insider Trading, Congressional Style (Points and Figures)
• Sean Parker thinks Silicon Valley is in trouble (CNet)
• How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich (Rolling Stone)
• Our Universities: Why Are They Failing? (NY Books)
• Grover and the Giant No-Taxes Pledge (Loyal Opposition) see also New ad shows cozy ties between super PACs and candidates (Washington Post)
• Smackdown! Krassner vs Breitbart (Playboy)

What are you reading?


Source: Anthony Freda

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