Bank Spending on Lobbyists: 2010 vs 2011

Figures from Senate lobbying disclosure website highlight the top four lobbying organizations, plus Bank of America, which is seventh.

Bank Spending on Lobbyists 2010 vs *2011

American Bankers Association
•2010: $6,040,000
•2011: $6,690,000

Wells Fargo & Co.
•2010: $3,260,000
•2011: $5,890,000

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
•2010: $5,770,000
•2011: $5,800,000

Citigroup Inc.
•2010: $4,120,000
•2011: $3,800,000

Bank of America Corp.
•2010: $2,720,000
•2011: $2,210,000

* Figures for 2011 include the first three quarters only.

Hat tip Bill King

Why Were FNM/FRE Banned From Lobbying But Not C/BAC/JPM/MER/GS/MS ? (January 31st, 2011)

Banks find extra money to hire lobbyists
Andrew Dunn
McClatchy/Tribune, November 29, 2011,0,7824137,full.story

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