Extreme Money by Satyajit Das

Satyajit Das, author of Traders, Guns and Money: Knowns and unknowns in the dazzling world of derivatives, has a new book out:

Extreme Money: Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk.

The book was named to the longlist for the 2011 FT and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year award.

It reviews how the human race created money and finance, and then how our invention recreated us. Das explains how this happened and what it means.

FT.com Review:

“…virtually in a category of its own — part history, part book of financial quotations, part cautionary tale, part textbook. It contains some of the clearest charts about risk transfer you will find anywhere. …Others have laid out the dire consequences of financialisation (“the conversion of everything into monetary form”, in Das’s phrase), but few have done it with a wider or more entertaining range of references…[Extreme Money] does… reach an important, if worrying, conclusion: financialisation may be too deep-rooted to be torn out. As Das puts it — characteristically borrowing a line from a movie, Inception — “the hardest virus to kill is an idea”.
-Andrew Hill “Eclectic Guide to the Excesses of the Crisis”
Financial Times (August 17, 2011)

More Reviews:
Potemkin Villages – The Truth about Emerging Markets (Arnott)

Interview with Satyajit Das (Amazon)
Full chapter after the jump

Extreme Money: Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk

Extreme Money by Satyajit Das

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