Inc’s 10 Essential Economic Blogs

Nice grouping of economic blogs named “essentail” in Inc this week. (click thru for the full discussion on each).

They describe the list as “for independent thinkers only: These online columnists see around the curves to the global economic trends that will affect your business.”

Nice company to keep. Here is their top 10:

  1. Seeking Alpha Market Currents
  2. The Big Picture
  3. Real Time Economics
  4. DealBook
  5. Financial Armageddon
  6. FT Alphaville
  7. Zero Hedge
  8. Naked Capitalism
  9. Calculated Risk
  10. Mish’s Global Economic Analysis

These lists always leave out so many deserving sites and blogs, but this run is as good as any other.   Always nice to be included.


10 Essential Economic Blogs
By Constantine von Hoffman | @CurseYouKhan
INC, Dec 26, 2011

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