Mid-Week AM Reads

My reads to start the day:

• Wall Street Revenue Falls as ‘Year to Forget’ Ends (Bloomberg) but see Investors hope for a Santa Claus rally as Dow soars 337 points (LA Times)
• BoJ downgrades view of Japan’s economy (FT.com)
• Europe could face “unprecedented” finance risk in early 2012 (Washington Post) but see Banks May Flock to ‘Free Money’ as ECB Awards 3-Year Loans (Bloomberg)
• Unwelcome First Looms for Gross (WSJ)
• Big Developers Dabble in Apartment Market (WSJ)
• As Jon Corzine’s EU Trades work out, MFG’s trouble only gets worse:
…..-MF Global Told CME It Used Customer Funds (Bloomberg)
…..-MF Global Transfer Draws Scrutiny (WSJ)
…..-E-Mail Clues in Tracking MF Global Client Funds (DealBook)
• As Occupy D.C. movement grows, so does tension (Washington Post)
• Income inequality in the Roman Empire (Per Square Mile) see also Revealed: huge increase in executive pay for America’s top bosses (Guardian)
Interesting profile: For Gingrich in Power, Pragmatism, Not Purity (NYT)
• Twitter by Post (The Morning News)

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