Nenner: Dow 5,000 in 2013

This is one of those things that really annoys me:

One year ago today, Charles Nenner (of the Charles Nenner Research Center) went on TV. His specialty is Cycle Research (whatever that is). He made a very bold call, forecasting a drop to 5,000 in the Dow.

It was not merely that the 50% drop did not come pass. What happened was the opposite, a 32% rally. And so, one year later, we have to recall this prognostication as one of the very worst of the year. The calls on Apple and Intel and Semis were nearly as bad.


Worst call of 2013:

March 4 (Bloomberg) — Charles Nenner Research Center Executive Director Charles Nenner discusses the markets and his prediction of the Dow dropping to 5,000 this year.. He speaks on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” (Source: Bloomberg)


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