10 Sunday Reads

Good Sunday morn. Settle in for the first reads of the new week:

Shiller: When a Stock Market Theory Is Contagious (NYT) see also Bears, but no picnic (Economist)
• What Makes a Great Investor? 10 Great Investors Weigh In. (producthunt)
• Why Germany is so much better at training its workers (Quartz)
• Why I Love the Stock Market (A Wealth of Common Sense) see also Krugman: What Markets Will (NYT)
• High-Speed Traders Put a Bit Too Much Gravy on Their Meat (Bloomberg View)
• Privately, Saudis tell oil market- get used to lower prices (Reuters) see also OPEC Split as Oil Prices Fall Sharply (NY Times)
• Rental America: Why the poor pay $4,150 for a $1,500 sofa (Washington Post)
• Once a Symbol of Power, Farming Now an Economic Drag in China (NY Times) see also Bad Math Makes China’s GDP No. 1 (Bloomberg View)
• What Women Want: Quantitative analysis of how women’s porn viewing differs from men’s  (Pornhub Insights)
• Scientists can now delete and fabricate memories in mice. Are humans next? (Vox)

What are you reading?



30-Year Trend of the 10-Year Treasury Bond Yield

Source: Chart of the Day



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