Suggestions for Future Masters in Business Show?

We are a few weeks from our 20th episode of Masters in Business. So far, the feedback has been very encouraging. We have 5 more shows recorded & ready to go, and have a few other interviews scheduled for the rest of the year.

I am putting together my wish list for 2015 guests, and it looks something like this:

Peter Lynch
David Dremen
Cliff Asness
Howard Marks
Bill Gross
Michael Lewis
Mario Gabelli
Charles Schwab
Ray Dalio
Jim Simons
Mike Bloomberg
David Swensen
Jim McCann
Louis CK
Paul McCulley
Charles Ellis

Its very finance heavy, and I want to expand to other fields as well.

If you have any suggestions as to future guests, regardless of field, send them to MastersinBusiness -at- Yahoo -dot- com


Previous podcasts:

• Apple iTunes

• Bloomberg

• Soundcloud

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