10 Weekend Reads

Good Saturday morn. Settle into your favorite easy chair, pour a hot cup of Joe, and enjoy our longer form weekend reads:

• Tech Stocks: Sizing Up the New Bubble (Barron’s)
• Inside Elon Musk’s $1.4 billion score (Fortune)
• Fade to Black: Bill Gross Ends an Era (Chief Investment Officer) see also Fall of the Bond King: How Gross Lost Empire as Pimco Cracked (Bloomberg)
• Everybody wants to rule the world: Online businesses can grow very large very fast. Does it also make them unusual threats to competition? (The Economist)
• Diving with sharks and the joy of fear (Aeon)
• The Quiet German: The Astonishing Rise of Angela Merkel,The Most Powerful Woman in the World (New Yorker) see also Putin: How He and His Cronies Stole Russia (NYRB)
• How do you sell God in the 21st century? More heaven, less hell (The Guardian)
• Polar Bear Man (Vice)
• How dozens of failing for-profit schools found an unlikely savior: a debt collector (Washington Post)
• Inside Monopoly’s secret war against the Third Reich (EuroGamer)

Be sure to check out this week’s Masters in Business interview with real estate expert Jonathan Miller


Global Stock Market Valuation Ratios

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Source: Star Capital


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