10 Tuesday AM Reads

My morning “Snowpacalypse Not” cancelled-trains-can’t-get-into-the-office-even-if-I-wanted-to AM reads:

• As Commodities Fall, Some Investors See Reasons to Buy (WSJ)
• Technology and Finance: Drivers of a Profit Margin Explosion (Philosophical Economics)
• Asia’s Richest Man Has Seen the Future and It’s in Europe (Bloomberg)
• Vanguard’s funds reach new heights (Investment News)
• The Shake Shack Economy (New Yorker)

Continues here


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  1. intlacct commented on Jan 27

    From the NY Times:

    “WASHINGTON — The Congressional Budget Office on Monday significantly lowered its estimate of the cost of providing health insurance coverage to millions of Americans under the Affordable Care Act.

    Douglas W. Elmendorf, the director of the budget office, said the changes resulted from many factors, including a general “slowdown in the growth of health care costs” and lower projections of insurance premiums that are subsidized by the federal government.

    In March 2010, when President Obama signed the health care law, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the expansion of coverage would cost the federal government $710 billion in the fiscal years 2015 through 2019, Mr. Elmendorf said.

    “The newest projections indicate that those provisions will cost $571 billion over that same period, a reduction of 20 percent,” he said. The Affordable Care Act not only subsidized the purchase of private insurance, but also authorized a major expansion of Medicaid, the federal-state program for low-income people.


    Yet another great forecast gone awry for the Confederates, I mean Conservatives. You know, the ‘capitalists’ who want the world’s highest prices for the world’s 17th best quality. Yes, those geniuses. Obamacare is collapsing under its own weight!

    (I’ll let Venndata take it from here )

    • VennData commented on Jan 27

      Thank goodness for dynamic scoring!

  2. SumDumGuy commented on Jan 27

    Re: Technology and Finance article

    Question for the rest of you – is the increasing Percentage of profits by the Financial sector a zero-sum-game for the rest of the economy? (i.e. If more and more of the pie goes to the Finance guys, does the rest of society suffer?) Discuss… ;-)

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