10 Thursday AM Reads

Heckuva rally yesterday! Could it last another 2 years? You will have to read our custom MTO (Made to Order) morning train reads to find out:

• Two more years of Bull? (Reformed Brokerbut see Yikes! A fifth of big stocks in bear market (USAT)
• What Good Is History? Everyone has their own version. Here’s the best way to navigate it. (Motley Fool)
• The amazing truth about Costco’s organic food (SF Gatesee also Largest organic grocer now Costco, analysts say (Seattle Times)
• Poor sleeping habits are filling our brains with neurotoxins (Quartz)
• Fun with Quantum Mechanics: Scientists show future events decide what happens in the past (Digital Journal)

Continues here



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  1. hue commented on Jun 11

    Why hardly anyone dies from a drug overdose in Portugal http://wapo.st/1dyFQrO

    Nothing gay about Hastert hypocrisy http://wapo.st/1e5gXok the list of hypocrites from the Clinton era, Ginrich, Livingston, Hyde, Hastert, Vitter … it was national psychosis, maybe the Ds started with Borking. Remember the Rube Goldberg investigation that was Whitewater? Can anyone describe that in one sentence? a failed 1970s land-deal where the special counsel spent $50M and found Linda Tripp. Rule of law. Rule of law The DC establishment, libs included, hated Bubba too. /// Why the Kennedys are Endorsing Obama (jon swift http://bit.ly/RwL2zs)

    The Next Feature Fallacy: The fallacy that the next new feature will suddenly make people use your product (andrew chen http://bit.ly/1IwNgqd)

    • hue commented on Jun 11

      Al Gore, internet inventor (ask VennData about this) ran away from Clinton, then we elected Dubya to restore honor and integrity to the WH, plus we’d rather have a beer with this dewd. forget Florida, Gore lost the entire South, Arkansas and Tennessee, Florida would not have mattered if Gore won his home state! well he really lived in DC like the rest of them.

    • VennData commented on Jun 11

      Al Gore invented Global Warming, Not the Internet.

    • rd commented on Jun 11

      Actually, Al Gore invented bad ballot designs and politicized Supreme Courts

    • rd commented on Jun 11

      “Dewd” – is that a contraction of “Lewd Dude”, as in Sen. Vitter, Rep. Hastert, or Josh Duggar?

    • hue commented on Jun 11

      Venn, those volunteers said you can be my senator, the veep but prez? No chance in heaven, not until the polar ice caps melt away

      Tipper wanted to save us from snoop dogg, fo sizzle ma nizzle

      I’m 150% sure (but no proof lol) Rove planted the fake national guard memo as a way to diffuse that story (right out of his playbook), discredit the liberal media, Rather. What’s your frequency Kenneth?

    • hue commented on Jun 11

      never get caught with a dead girl, or a live boy

  2. RW commented on Jun 11

    The Permanent News About the 2009 Stimulus Bill

    Christie Romer’s original calculations suggested we needed a fiscal stimulus program of $1.8 trillion over three years, even with all of the banking-support and monetary policy moves the Treasury and the Federal Reserve were making. Her forecasts–like almost every forecast in December and January 2009–were optimistic. We needed not $1.8 trillion over three years, but rather more like $4 trillion over 5 years …

    …we wound up with a $600-billion two-and-a-half-year program.

    That program was, roughly, one-third infrastructure, one-third direct aid to states, and one-third tax cuts and cyclical benefit expansions. That seemed a reasonable division of what turned out, in retrospect, to be a much too-small and much too-brief pot of money.

    “Half the failures in life arise from pulling in one’s horse as he is leaping.” –Julius & August Hare

    • rd commented on Jun 11

      You are missing the big picture. It became reified as proof that infrastructure spending can’t stimulate the economy.

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