MIB: J.P. Morgan’s Chris Ventresca & Elizabeth Myers

This week on Masters in Business I sit down very busy bankers in the world of M&A and IPOs: Chris Ventresca is Global Co-Head of Mergers & Acquisitions at J.P. Morgan, and Elizabeth Myers is Head of the Global Equity Capital Markets. (Note that this was the first time I interviewed two people at once — its harder than you might think; Mad props to Charlie Rose & Tom Keene for making it look effortless).

Ventresca spent his entire career at J.P. Morgan, where he has advised on over $1 trillion of transactions, including strategic acquisitions, mergers and sales, as well as numerous hostile defense and shareholder activism situations. He has an MBA in Finance from the NUY Stern School of Business, and a BSE degree in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University.

Elizabeth Myers is also a long time JPM veteran, and she is also the Head of the Global Equity Capital Markets; she too has advised on $100s of billions of dollars in in executed numerous IPOs, follow-ons and convertible (previously JPM M&A) She has a BA in Economics from Princeton University, and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

We discuss exactly what “Global Equity Capital Markets” are, how the change in regulation is impacting the process of M&A and IPO/Syndicate these days, and how to staff up a deal. As you might surmise, technology has had a huge impact on how bankiers do their jobs these days.

You can hear the full interview, including our podcast extras, at iTunes, Soundcloud and Bloomberg. All of our earlier podcasts can be found at iTunesSoundcloud and Bloomberg.

All of the recommended books can be found after the jump.

Next week, I speak with Martin Barnes, Chief Economist of BCA Research, and author of the Bank Credit Analyst.



The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults


The Art of Thinking Clearly


Dr. Knox: A novel


Outliers: The Story of Success


David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants


Black Flowers, White Lies


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