Kudlow: Possibility of a Mild Recession

On Kudlow’s show Wednesday night, he admitted to the possibility of a mild recession.  (UPDATE: see Kudlow 101: Recession Watch)   

Some of the commentors around here bust on Larry. I am obviously biased, as he has been very kind and generous to me over the years. Even though we disagree about most things — from the economy to politics to reading the market — we do so in a good natured, non-Ben Steinian way. And I see the difference between his on-camera character (all bluss and blunder) and his off camera persona (a pussycat).

I perceive my role on the show as a reality based counter weight to the more hallucinogenic guests. And to be blunt, the show suffers when someone — be it me, Kass, Herb, etc. — does not fill that role.

But to the uninitiated, Larry can make you crazy. Back in the 1990s, most savvy players knew how to "read" analyst spin. Strong Buy = Buy, Hold = Sell, etc. Like back then, the secret is understanding how to translate from Larry-speak to modern English. Hence, to get the most out of Kudlow & Company, you need a language guide. Try using the following:>

The Modern Kudlow To Standard English Translation Guide

Kudlowism Modern Translation
“The Greatest Story Never Told”
Early stages of a normal economic expansion 
"Goldilocks Economy"
Latter stages of expansion; cracks
in the façade are beginning to show
“A possibility of Recession exists”
The recession has already begun
“A Mild Recession” We are in a broad and deep recession
“We are in a serious recession” Stock up on canned food,
bottled water and handgun ammo
“I don’t see how this can get any worse” BUY!

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. Ravi Masand commented on Feb 8

    Larry is, first and foremost, a political animal – and looks at everything thru eco-conservative colored glasses. Practically faith-based in this respect. And hence not worthy of consideration. Enuf said.

  2. semar commented on Feb 8

    Allmost all analyst I hear say we are now near or into a mild recession, only Kudlow was one of the last to say(found out) this

  3. ECONOMISTA NON GRATA commented on Feb 8

    I like the Kud, although he behaves like a spoiled brat most of the time.

    He’s really something out of a by-gone era….

    Anyway, It must have been really hard for him to admit the possibility of a mild recession, which only means that we are in a severe one already.

    Best regards,


  4. Dave commented on Feb 8

    LOL… awesome

  5. cinefoz commented on Feb 8

    I like his show, but don’t get to watch it very often any more. A repeat at a later time would allow me to DVR it for later. I don’t care much for Fast Money. It’s OK, but economics is more valuable than stock tips.

    I also miss his blog. I developed my writing style there and honed some good economic insight. Wait ’till I tell you about my ass monkeys or sic one on somebody. It’s not pretty.

    About Ben Stein … I am missing something. I only have a passing familiarity with him, but all I read seems pretty mild. Where do I find something that provokes good outrage?

  6. Bob A commented on Feb 8

    When will people simply acknowledge that Kudlow has nothing whatsoever to do with economics and everything to do with Republican party propoganda.

  7. Florida commented on Feb 8

    Last time I turned into Kudlow’s show was back in November and that was only because he had Jimmy Rogers on as his guest. It wasn’t a fair fight by any means, but it sure was funny watching Rogers just smoke poor Kuds.

  8. donna commented on Feb 8

    I would prefer to see people being the same onstage and off if they want me to believe what they are saying….

    And I’ve certainly had quite enough of faith-based politics.

  9. B.B. commented on Feb 8

    I watch the show most everynight. I would prefer if he kept the “brady box” panal down to 3. And then give his guests more time to speak. I do NOT take trading advice from it however. And my 2 favorite guests are of course, Mr. B.R. and Joe B. Funny post B.R. I have to agree with it.

  10. Bob A commented on Feb 8

    And yesterday he adds that well you might actually want to sell at some point but not until you’ve pretty much lost everything.

  11. B.B. commented on Feb 8

    O/T a bit,

    Amoke(last thread)is right, Dennis Kneale=empty bank account. He really shouldn’t be giving trading advice. He is currently the absolute worse on all the bobble head shows, cept for Crammers latest flip/flops.

  12. Rod Roth commented on Feb 8

    The question is, why do people even bother with Kudlow? Or Kramer? Or anybody who does anything other than tell us what is happening right now. Give us information, like you do, Barry. That’s all the hell we need.


  13. drey commented on Feb 8

    You can’t compare the two – Cramer is a brilliant and very successfull guy who goes a little nuts from time to time (OK, alot) whereas Dennis Kneale is a know-nothing nobody who reminds you he’s an idiot every time he opens his mouth. Watching him argue (if you can call it that) with Rob Thompson this morning was a joke. Good thing this clown has a job at CNBC because I wouldn’t hire him to flip hamburgers.

  14. RetiredChemist commented on Feb 8

    Propaganda is what Kudlow spews. The problem is some believe him because they know not, and some because of dogma (and personal advantage). Either way it is a real problem. The know nots have an excuse, the believers in his dogma, will eventually get what they deserve, but they are trying desparately to take the country with them, and they have the media. Big problem.

  15. RetiredChemist commented on Feb 8

    Propaganda is what Kudlow spews. The problem is some believe him because they know not, and some because of dogma (and personal advantage). Either way it is a real problem. The know nots have an excuse, the believers in his dogma, will eventually get what they deserve, but they are trying desparately to take the country with them, and they have the media. Big problem.

  16. dblwyo commented on Feb 8

    Barry – you’re a gentleman and a scholar as well as a nice guy despite being from Brooklyn but we won’t tell anybody. More importantly you also know whose salt you’ve eaten.

    Can you perform a similar service for Dennis Kneale or is he beyond redemption ?

    My theory is that he was brought on to put somebody farther on the nutjob (sorry but accurate IMHO) right. He clearly has drunk deeply from the Forbes Koolaid.

  17. Joe Klein’s conscience commented on Feb 8

    Rod Roth:
    I watch Kudlow sometimes. I watch it for comedic value. Like last night. He was trying to absolve the banks of any blame whatsoever in the sub-prime mess. Thankfully, Gasparino wasn’t about to let Kudlow off the hook.

  18. Uncle Jeffy commented on Feb 8

    “The personal strengths and weaknesses of a leader have nothing to do with the merits of his cause.” —- Roger Zelazny

    Larry may be a decent human being, but deluding viewers with his Pollyanna views of what’s going on in the economyu implies something less than a meritorious cause.

  19. VJ commented on Feb 8

    I wrote years ago that there was money to be made by simply doing the opposite of what Kudlow advises, but I never participated, as I just can’t stomach watching him.

  20. Peter B commented on Feb 8

    the greatest story never told: “we had the greatest credit bubble of all time and growth was fake in the last expansion.” kudlow has got to say that when this is all said and done.

  21. Walker commented on Feb 8

    Larry’s behavior is unforgivable not because of his TV show but because of his NRO (National Review Online) articles. Those articles are pure political propoganda.

  22. muckdog commented on Feb 8

    The Fed’s Janet Yellen today said that she thought while the US economy would be slow for 2008, there would be no recession.

    FWIW. That and $.85 will buy a package of Red Vines from a vending machine.

  23. Street Creds commented on Feb 8

    Hell, I still have canned food ( chili and peaches ), ammo, and water from Y2K. Seriously, I bet there have been people trying to save their 401Ks, who have flushed their money right down the drain listening to these airheads. Thats real and permanent damage I can’t overlook because of their enthusiasm or professional demeanor.

  24. David commented on Feb 8

    Barry’s “Kudlow to English” translation guide is funny, but all too true.

    While Kudlow may be clueless as a market timer and a recession forecaster, his strength is that he does often foster a lively debate. Many of these debates do provide useful insights for investors.

  25. Bob commented on Feb 8

    Give me one person in the econo-political sphere who speaks the truth. While I believe that the Kudlow/Cramer/Laffer inflationista, interventionist, supply-side agenda is what has already cratered our financial system (even if that takes years to fully manifest itself), the really troubling part of your post Barry is that you admit that he is only putting on a show. The one guy out there who speaks what he believes (Ron Paul) is marginalized as a fringe radical.

    I am tired of spin and “truthiness.” My real hope for my children and my nation at this point is that the downturn we now face corrects more than just the excesses in our economy. I hope it marginalizes superficial showmen like Kudlow and Cramer, and reaffirms the value of the truth.

  26. John F. commented on Feb 8

    Do you know of a device we can attach to the TV that filters out the erroneous impression that Larry interrupts and bullies his guests when they don’t dance to his tune? Or doesn’t THAT translate? You may be biased, but you’re also conflicted. We’re grownups and we understand, but if CNBC Home-Teamers like Kudlow and Cramer get the kid-glove treatment (and don’t get me started on Dennis Kneale or Maria B.), it’s pretty unseemly when you single out a poor shnook like Wesbury for abuse. Pretty. Fucking. Unseemly.

  27. rickrude commented on Feb 8

    When will people simply acknowledge that Kudlow has nothing whatsoever to do with economics and everything to do with Republican party propoganda.

    Posted by: Bob A | Feb 8, 2008 12:30:39 PM

    Is that why Kudlow sounds so stupid ??

  28. Pat G. commented on Feb 8

    “that Kudlow has nothing whatsoever to do with economics and everything to do with Republican party propoganda.”

    That boys & girls sums it up. Which makes him a phony because he is always trying to “spin” something for the party faithful.

  29. edhopper commented on Feb 8

    A friendly, easy going hypocrite, is still a hypocrite.
    “The free market is the greatest system on Earth. Until we need the Government to bail it out.”

  30. Street Creds commented on Feb 8

    Hey Rick, then explain the wisdom of Democrat Charley Rangels proposed ONE BILLION dollar tax increase, in the middle of a recession.
    Then go back to the Daily Kos.

  31. Chris commented on Feb 8

    Love the humor you bring! My colleagues and I laugh at Kudlow every day and also say that when he finally capitulates that will be the time to buy!

  32. Foam is good commented on Feb 8

    What Charlie Rangel, or any other politician Democrat or Republican, says has ZERO bearing on the fact that Kudlow is a propagandist for the Republican party.

    I laugh out loud watching him and his guests tie themselves in knots spewing their propaganda. It is quite amusing and moderately entertaining… I suppose that’s why he still has a show.

  33. Chief Tomahawk commented on Feb 8

    The bear market began when Larry took away public comments from his blog…

  34. B.B. commented on Feb 9


    the posters that are anti-Kudlow, know so much about his show. If you dont like it just dont watch! I dont like network T.V. and guess what? I dont watch it. I am not saying I agree with everything he says, but hey, i find it an interesting show and I watch it.

    Now, i am a hypocrite, I really think Cramer is a danger to most people now, and I do watch the first 5 mins.

    However, DENNIS KNEALE!!! PLEASE!! he is on these shows, and no disrespect, but please Dennis, you dont know what the hell you are talking about. ok, peace out, back to my Grey Goose vodka… :)

  35. Katie commented on Feb 9

    BB, I agree.

    I don’t like CNBC. I don’t watch it. I watch Bloomberg.

  36. Greg0658 commented on Feb 9

    the greatest story never told: “we had the greatest credit bubble of all time and growth was fake in the last expansion.” kudlow has got to say that when this is all said and done.
    Posted by: Peter B

    yea – but the F*(#’g RUB is:

    those bubbles created real things and now #s in accounts are trading those #s for the real thing

    I wonder how much insider round abouting was going on between those giant home builders, mortgage financiers, city managers and big banks?

    all the while the bubble was supported with a small amount of real worked for cash by the base investors (in that home … and the big bank)

    what a system – what a greatest story never told – cause we’d have to go to confession everyday for the rest of our life

  37. Greg0658 commented on Feb 9

    one of these days I may just get it

    try a grand scheme of my own – it makes the world go round

    if it doesn’t work out – there is the bankruptcy card every 7 years – Jubilee

    try try again – till it works – each time gaining a little ground, gaining a bit more knowledge

  38. Greg0658 commented on Feb 9

    I just have trouble getting over the threshold … borrowing what I’m not absolutely sure I can pay back would be breaking the 8th commandment (don’t steal)

  39. MP commented on Feb 9

    Larry is entertaining at times, which is why people watch him … if you swallow his message whole or anyone for that matter – left or right – then you get the indigestion you deserve. We are all “framing” our arguments to appear right or smart or whatever impression we want to be perceived. None of us are clean here. It’s the balanced, holistic approach that is hard to differentiate in the marketplace of ideas. Polemical, “tail” or edge messages sell better and have much more of a “fetish” following – and produce the ad $ that firms and shareholders want.

  40. grumpyoldvet commented on Feb 9

    Baerry, it’s too bad you absolve Larry of his “sins”……but sins they are…I’ve known Larry for years and he does indeed have a different persona outside the studio,,,,unfortunately, there are people who look to this show as being “real” and that is the shame….Larry is a political animal and it’s all about the supply side “voodoo” economics he and Laffer have been spewing forth for 25+ years…..Bus I called it for the BS it was and unfortunately here we are 25 years later with proof that it was truly all BS……and yet his merry-go-round continmues

  41. VJ commented on Feb 9

    Street Creds,

    …explain the wisdom of Democrat Charley Rangels proposed ONE BILLION dollar tax increase, in the middle of a recession.

    Putting aside the merits of the specific proposal Congressman Rangel has proffered, since WHEN does the level of taxation have any relationship with whether the national economy has positive or negative GDP ?

  42. Greg0658 commented on Feb 9

    services are required
    those services need to be paid for
    those services make some people money
    those people making money need to payup to keep the account balanced

    1>borrowing to pay for services is money thrown away
    2>overpaying for services is money thrown away
    3>paying for not needed services is money thrown away

    Obama is proposing a website of line item spending. I think that is a good start to open book bidding and scrutiny

    as much as I dislike this current cash for labor based system … I know its not going away … all this is 1 reason why my sperm ain’t meeting the egg … in the end – that makes it not my problem

  43. wunsacon commented on Feb 9

    Street, is that $1B coming from the Walmart heirs and going into the rebate, into the pockets of people who will spend it?

  44. Todd commented on Feb 10

    Okay I am going out on a limb here (lots of snark) and predict that Kudlow will do a Laffer and retract the comment about the possibility of a mild recession in just a few days. Art Laffer embarrassed himself by pronouncing himself actually bearish, or at the very least no longer optimistic, on Kudlow’s show about two weeks ago and then 2(!!!!) days later said he was no longer bearish. Art, may I suggest you change your name to Art Laughingstock?

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