Last Few Slots Left: NYC Open House (December 8-12)

We just had a trip to Washington D.C. Coming up in the new year will be visits to Seattle, Austin, and San Francisco, But a number of you suggested New York City as our next place for a meet and greet, and so that is what we decided to do.

We have scheduled the week of December 8th for our open house.

We will be meeting with prospective clients for both RWM and Liftoff, as well as having a meetup or two.

We often talk about markets and the economy, cognitive biases and investor behavior. But to give you a better sense of how we approach our practice, give Josh’s fantastic post on Why We Educate Our Clients a thorough read. It is simply an outstanding explanatory of what we do and why.

For those of you want to learn a bit more about our investing philosophy and approach to working with clients, it is an opportunity see if what we do fits your needs. Its always nice to have an in depth, personal conversation about such things in person.

We are coming up on the end of the year, and now is as good a time of year as any to review where you are, and figure out where you want to be.


We still have a few slots left for one-on-ones and other events. If you are interested in discussing your personal circumstances, meeting with us, or simply hearing our (fascinating and enlightening) views, give us a shout.

Send email to Info-at-RitholtzWealth-dot-com, with the subject “NYC Open House.”

Or call 212-455-9122 and ask for Erika.





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