10 Monday Reads

Good Monday morning! I’m not quite back from vacation, and fighting off a nasty head cold. No worries, DayQuil and our reads will get us through the day:

• 2014: The year that nothing worked (Fortune)
• How to Spot a Bad Forecaster (A Wealth of Common Sense)
• Ten Economic Questions for 2015 (Calculated Risk)
• Swedroe: How To Think About Bear Markets (ETF.com)
• US, Europe and EM: 2015 in Bullets (Mark Dow)
• Why 0% Rates? Tech, Globalization & EM (Not QE) (Investing Caffeine)
• Here’s why Larry Summers is wrong about secular stagnation (WonkBlog)
• Pain Really Does Make Us Gain (New Yorker)
• Rational and Irrational Thought: The Thinking that IQ Tests Miss (Scientific American)
• The Biggest Music Comeback of 2014: Vinyl Records (WSJ)

What are you reading?


How to Save Like the Rich (Hint: It’s Not With Your House)
Source: WSJ


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