Forbes on Fox


Quick media appearence note: I will be on Forbes on Fox, Saturday (6/12/04) at 11am on Foxnews. Look for the “Makers and Breakers” segment towards the end of the half hour.

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  1. steve commented on Nov 5

    I have to be the one to let you and your guests who are in woderland hear the truth of the matter about saving and investing. The majority of the working class heros out there do not have the money to invest in anything let alone put any in savings, because they have to spend their time earning their hard earned money paying for higher healyh costs, fuel costs, insurance costs, etc. etc. etc. When will you egotistical morans wake up and smell the bull sh–. DUMBIES!

  2. steve commented on Nov 5

    I have to be the one to let you and your guests who are in woderland hear the truth of the matter about saving and investing. The majority of the working class heros out there do not have the money to invest in anything let alone put any in savings, because they have to spend their time earning their hard earned money paying for higher healyh costs, fuel costs, insurance costs, etc. etc. etc. When will you egotistical morans wake up and smell the bull sh–. DUMBIES!

  3. Barry Ritholtz commented on Nov 5

    hey Steve !

    Whenever you attack anyone else’s intelligence, avoid making obvious errors.

    Like posting on the wrong blog.

    Or spelling “Dummies”incorrectly

    (That is a great title of a book, tho: Spelling for Dumbies)

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