P2P? No, F2F!


clevercactus share is a variation of a P2P. I predict that the RIAA and the rest of the music industry will have fits over what may be a legal replacement for P2P: F2F.

Unlike Kazaa, Limewire, Napster or Bit Torrent, this is not an anonymous way of exchanging files between strangers; Rather, it is a way friends and family members to swap any sort of files — Word Docs, Powerpoint, QT, MP3s, etc. Clevercactus allows you to share files privately and securely with people you know, without involving third parties. To make matters more interesting, the site is registered to Paul Kenny of The Digital Depot in Dublin Ireland.

Intriguing variation on a theme, and one that should stand legal challenges.


Here’s clevercactus’ description:

clevercactus share is a private and secure environment to share files with people you know. It is simple and easy to use. There are two components, share web and share desktop.

Once share desktop is installed on your system you can:

· send an instant message a contact.
· send files to another other member of your network.
· share folders with the people in your network.
· search your network of contacts for a file or folder.
· share web

Your share web account is used to store and manage the people in your share network. From your share web account you can:

· add / invite new users to your network
· sync the contact data back to your share desktop.

To get going, go to your clevercactus home page and invite two or three friends. Then install share desktop and share files and folders with your network.

How does it work?

share is a p2p application. When you share a file with another user the transaction will under most circumstances occur directly; if connectivity options are limited, however, data might be relayed to provide the best possible experience without requiring configuration.

Is my data secure?

Yes. To use share you will need to create an account. This account information is stored on a central server and is used to verify each login request and store your contact information. Any other data stays on your desktop where it belongs.

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. chris commented on Jun 17

    I don’t get it. Wouldn’t be easier just to email files to friends? :-)

  2. Peter commented on Apr 25

    PCMag just recommended a tool called BeInSync (http://www.beinsync.com) with similar functionality.

    (Sorry for the multiple posting – please feel free to remove the two redundant postings above)

  3. lite commented on May 3

    These friend-2-friend networks are popping up like mushrooms. Here’s another one that might be interesting:


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