Okay, here’s something kinda amusing:
Punch the following phrases into Google, and The Big Picture is the top hit:
• NASD Margin Levels
• Projected Electoral College Vote
• 3 Peaks and a Domed House
• augmented unemployment rate
• contrary indicators
• "magazine cover indicator"
There’s a few other weird results — For example, punch in "BLS household payroll survey," and The Big Picture is the second result — after the BLS. And sometimes, it even edges out BLS~! I haven’t figured out why Google toggles the two back and forth yet . . .
That’s how dynamic the "secret" Google algorithm is — as well as how much traffic they can drive.
If you come across any other top hits or aberrational findings, please hit me with them.
Google has upped the weighted rating blogs get.
I suspect they also use sitemeter counts from somewhere to up ratings.