Sunday Linkfests

If you think I’m a curmudgeon, have a read of Alan Abelson’s Up And Down Wall Street column: Its titled "Fly in the Martini" — He’s even more skeptical than I am about the improving deficit. (If you don’t have a Barrons subscription, go here)

Interesting tale in the NYT earlier this week about oil — The Oil Uproar That Isn’t. Take a wild guess as to what the prime cause of demand increase for Oil in the US?

The latest Apprenticed Investor column is out: Nothing Doing; Its about why most investors have a hard time doing, well, nothing. Instead, they force trades when they shouldn’t.

Speaking of which: I’ve been experimenting with Podcasting the past few weeks.  There’s an audio comment for the past 3 Apprenticed Investor columns as well as a few recent columns. — I’m very curious if readers find this interesting or useful (or if not, if you have any ideas as to how to make it interesting or useful). 

Here’s an intriguing story via the Naples Daily News: Day trading Real Estate

Adam Lashinsky has an fascinating column out in Fortune on the tenth anniversary of Netscape’s IPO, Remembering Netscape: The Birth of the Web

Do you know that Small Cap Value outperforms Large Cap Growth? Mark Hulbert answers why.

The Costco Challenge: An Alternative to Wal-Martization?   

First Monday has a special issue dedicated to Music and the Internet — over a dozen articles.

Nerd TV is coming!

and lastly, here’s 40 Things That Only Happen In Movies

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