Radio Economics

Radio Economics is a very cool site run by Dr. James Reese, an economics professor at the University of South Carolina Upstate. 

The professor produces "Economics Podcasts via telephone with Economists worldwide."

We had a rambling discussion, downloadable as an MP3 for your podcasting pleasure, covering everything from why Wall Street economics tend to be less than useful to investors, to a day in the life of a market stategist. 40 minutes of my nasal, dulcet tones.

Prior interviews include Mark A. Thoma of the University of Oregon (I did a WSJ econoblog with Mark a in June) and Dr. Nouriel Roubini of Stern School of Business at New York University, who also runs the econ meta blog RGE Monitor.

You can see the full list of interviews here.

UPDATE May 25, 2005 11:22pm

I see the interview is no longer at ITMS — so here it is in all its nasal glory:

Download barry_ritholtz_wall_street_group_think.mp3


UPDATE September 5, 2005 9:22pm
I download most of the interviews on Radio Economics, and then burned  a disc of Dr. Nouriel Roubini of New York University and RGE Monitor, Dr. Mark A. Thoma of the University of Oregon and Economist’s View, and Dr. James Hamilton, Economics Professor at University of California San Diego and

It made for an informative and fascinating ride out to the Hamptons!


Radio Economics
Barry Ritholtz is chief market strategist for Maxim Group (MP3)
Dr. James Reese
University of South Carolina Upstate, Thursday, September 01, 2005

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  1. HBT commented on Sep 2

    hi Barry,
    I have been listening to some interviews on RGEM for a little while now & as a BigPicture reader I was pleasantly surprised to see your inclusion. However, you hint above that it is ” 40 minutes of your dulcet nasal tones”… 40 minutes!? … try FIFTY-TWO minutes & 34 seconds of those aforementioned tones !!! (wink)
    All great though…as with your writing, your thoroughness, insight, & passion for finance is clearly communicated. One question: you and Professor Reese discussed many examples of your work, but I am wondering if there has been a time in your career in which you “were sure!” that a certain strategy/investment recommendation would occur, but it failed to materialize as you had planned? One that possibly still irks you & why? ( I am asking purely from an education standpoint) thx, HBT

  2. The Crooked Links commented on Sep 2

    Radio Economics

    An Economics Podcast–Interviews with Economists Worldwide [via]…

  3. muckdog commented on Sep 2

    Thanks for the podcast link. I need more hours in the day to listen to all the stuff coming out in podcasts now!

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