Weekend Linkfest

Well, good Saturday morn to y’all. Its been a while since I posted a weekend linkfest, end of Summer vacation, and travellin and all.   

Here’s a few items which have been on me mind recently:

• Barron’s Alan Abelson notes that Deficits matter, and guess what? They impact Interest rates. (If no Barron’s online subscription, an excerpt is here

• Interesting pair of charts from Rydex, looking at the history of secular markets. Fascinating stuff, it implies that we are early in a 10-15 cyclical period that won’t make much progress. However, even within cyclical markets (i.e., DJIA 1966 – 1982), there are still significant Bull and Bear moves.

Except for Inflation, there’s no Inflation — To reach that awkward conclusion, you must engage in a sleight of hand . . .  the trick is to back out all of the inflationary data from the CPI, and PPI. Voila! No inflation.!

• Some home-owners are saving big bucks with The 6 Percent Solution
(Hint: It ain’t good for Real Estate Agents)

• Gasoline Futures have returned to Pre-Katrina levels; why then, haven’t your local gasoline prices?

• Amongst all the Katrina related mayhem, a Census report slipped out. While the rise in poverty made front page news, almost unnoticed were two facts:  the Middle class is shrinking, and the Ultra-Wealthy conitnue to grow wildly:  The Disconnect and Economic Classes   

• Jeff Matthews explains why he likes Google, here;
I explain why I like Jeff Matthews, here.

• A pre-Katrina Manpower survey finds "Employers remain cautious about hiring."

• The WSJ rolls out their ‘Weekend Edition’ today; Will a Saturday WSJ sell? Will it cannibalize sister Dow Jones publication Barron’s? There are more than a few naysayers.

• A thought provoking financial blog: THE CUNNING REALIST

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  1. The Nattering Naybob commented on Sep 21


    I like the Cunning Realist, but I prefer being a Cunning Linguist….

    Trebek queries “what will replace “terrorists” in quarterly statements and forward looking estimates?

    Answer: What is Katrina.

    Question to GeeDubya: What do you think of Roe vs Wade?

    Answer from GeeDubya: I think people should get out of New Orleans anyway they can…..rimshot…

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