How Much Is My Blog Worth?

via Business Opportunities Weblog

Half a million smackeroos?  I would be hitting that bid so fast your head would spin!

My blog is worth $478,165.38.
How much is your blog worth?


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Discussions found on the web:
  1. Maryam in Marrakesh commented on Oct 26

    Ah, my blog is worth less than a measly 3000 but I just started it two months ago. Patience…

  2. Asuka_Aki commented on Apr 15

    What the heck do you have as content, or do to have sucj a high value? Is it basd on visitors or content?

  3. Barry Ritholtz commented on Apr 16

    A combination of traffic and content . . .

  4. Asuka_Aki commented on Apr 16

    I’M ashamed, my blog is 2-3 months old, it is in french though. I only have a little over 2000$ worth blog…I thought that was not bad…before comong here lol!

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