Goodbye M3

Today is the day M3 reaches its demise. We have discussed this repeatedly over the months.

Thanks to the Prudent Investor, we are reminded that there is always a funny side to a sad story


All we can do now is laugh . . .

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  1. scorpio commented on Mar 23

    scary to see a culprit cover his own tracks, in broad daylight

  2. anon commented on Mar 23



  3. Emmanuel commented on Mar 23

    Mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money–we’ll just never know how much. These “Men in Black” are free money, not galaxy defenders.

  4. cm commented on Mar 24

    What is the object Bernanke is wielding? Serious question. Thanks.

  5. Andy commented on Mar 24

    CM: Looks like a short plumber’s snake.

  6. cm commented on Mar 25

    Thanks. AG’s device I recognized as a plunger, but Bernanke’s looked more like a high-voltage insulator on a stick.

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