Media Appearance: Kudlow & Company (3/30/06)



This is the regular gig: 

Today’s Kudlow & Company, is on CNBC today at 5pm. I’m scheduled to be on from 5:10 to 6:00 pm.

Also on is Marketwatch’s Herbert Greenberg, John Rutledge of Rutledge Capital, and Noah Blackstein of Dynamic Mutual Funds.

Topics will include the Market Rally, Metal Rally, Senators trading on Congressional Inside Information, and Major League Baseball steroid scandal.


UPDATE March 30, 2006  11:12pm

After the show, I met John Rutledge, who was in the NYC remote studio also. John’s a fascinating character, a true old world gentleman. He’s been to China as often as some people go out eat chinese food.

We spoke about a ton of things — I mentioned that Larry is becoming a very vocal Bush White House critic (He should have Krugman back on), and John regaled me with some Reagan stories. Say what you will about RR, but he was less obsessed with loyalty than competance. Under Reagan, the shake up going on now in the White House would have happened about 3 months into the Iraq war.

John and I discussed part of the immigration issue not getting much press; Economically, I care less about the Mexico situation and more about the Brain Drain threatening our tech companies and research universities.  There is now a global competition for talent — one that we are on the verge of losing through dumb immigration policies. Post 9/11 national security issues should not become a force in shifting the balance of scientific power.

I’d like to see this discussed in a future show . . .

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  1. Mike commented on Mar 30

    “The sweater & the Swinger”

  2. GRL commented on Mar 30

    Hey, you can talk about how the market’s down, it’s a beautiful day, and life is great.

  3. Brett commented on Mar 30

    Comment that Congress should focus on fixing bigger problems than steroids in baseball. You could probably come up with a list of those problems if you tried…

  4. Mark commented on Mar 30

    And I heard you were on ROB TV. Now THAT’S a credible outlet.

  5. B commented on Mar 30

    Here’s a good question for Larry and John for that matter. Wasn’t part of Reagandom? This will guarantee you’ll never get an invite back to the show.

    Did they, or anyone they ever know, profit from information when they served The Uncle? Bet your sweet ass they did. Just like I would have if the laws didn’t preclude it.

  6. Mark commented on Mar 30


    The hands, man, the hands! Good thing that banner was at the screen bottom (ROB TV).

  7. Uncle Jack commented on Mar 30

    Be sure to talk about the GDP deflator. Remember your own words, “except for inflation, there’s no inflation.” I’m looking forward to the show.

  8. Alaskan_Pete commented on Mar 30


    Tell them this steriod crap is NOT newsworthy. This requires multiple stories all day long? Who gives a flying f$&(*.

    They’re turning into just another tabloid news show like Fox/CNNs pm lineup…which I now dub the “missing white woman hour”. Like months of Natalie Holloway/runaway bride/etc. This is our press corps? Kick someone in the ass over there and tell them to do their freakin’ jobs and stop playing tv version of national enquirer.

    Love the blog. Cheers.

  9. jim commented on Mar 30

    I must have misunderstood. I thought John on Kudlow said there is no inflation. Fifteen minutes ago I watched Walmart crank up their gas price eight cents per gallon. And that was for regular.

  10. emd commented on Mar 30

    no inflation? i just received a letter notifying me that my health insurance is going up $100 per month….. no inflation, right.

  11. Ned commented on Mar 30

    The no inflation folks must not heat their homes with gas, or any other fuel for that matter. My bills this mild Northeast winter have been scary.

  12. Barry Ritholtz commented on Mar 31

    Except for everything going up in price, there is no inflation.

  13. Brian commented on Mar 31


    I really must take issue with this fallacy concerning the need to increase the immigration quotas because we are somehow facing a huge shortage of scientists and engineers. This is a lie!

    Were you listening to the cries of the National Science Foundation in the late 80’s/early 90’s about the same thing? About how we would be facing a deficit of scientists until at least the year 2000? I heard what they said and it made me feel good about my decision to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry. Any you know what? It turned out to just be a means for the academics to get cheap labor.

    You would be amazed at the number of people getting advanced degrees in science & engineering that cannot get a job in their field. Why? Because there are not as many jobs as people believe. I found out the hard way, as did several of my friends. It is not nearly as bad as the humanities, but understand that it is far from a sure thing.

    Now business cries for more scientists & engineers from overseas? Of course they do. They can pay them less, offer them fewer benefits and have them work longer hours in exchange for that coveted green card. But some things haven’t changed – my friends in academia tell me that the science & engineering grads are still not being hired at a rate that would justify any increase in immigration quotas.


  14. Barry Ritholtz commented on Mar 31

    I didn’t say there was shortage — I said we were keeping out very talented high end scientists, mathematicians, programmers

  15. Bynocerus commented on Mar 31

    Sounds like the joke on the bulletin board in the Econ building when I was @ Carolina.

    Papa John’s Now Hiring Pizza Delivery Drivers

    PhDs preferred

  16. bronxite commented on Apr 1

    Perhaps the biggest problem I see in the immigration story is the success that professional groups have had in restricting foreign access to their labour markets.

    Domestic scientists, mathematicians, and engineers have never constituted a powerful political lobby, so I doubt laws have been bent in their favor, except perhaps by happenstance in the wake of 9/11.

    Brian does have a point that much of graduate education in science is basically cheap labour. All you have to do is look inside any of these labs — most students are now foreign born (talk to them, and you’ll find that quite a few aren’t especially bright) — smart Americans I think realize that better opportunities lie elsewhere (like in professional schools).

    Personal accounts run rampant of Chinese and Indian scholars being lured back home in favor of a better life than the one they have in this country.

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