Media Appearance: Kudlow & Company (5/25/06)


This is the regular gig :  Today’s Kudlow & Company, is on CNBC today at 5pm. I’m scheduled to be on from 5:15 to 6:00 pm.

Today is Me, Herb Greenberg of MarketWatch, Charles Gasparino of Business Week, Wendell Perkins of Johnson Family of Funds, Kimberley Strassel of the WSJ Hallucinatory Board, and Michael Thompson of Thomson Financial.

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. jab commented on May 25

    Hallucinatory Board – Nice!

  2. vf commented on May 25

    that Kimberly chick, what’s his nuts Harwood and Greg “i called the 5% pause 3 mos after John Berry” Ip are three of the most idiotic financial commentators out there.. Barry, see if you can get the producer to turn down her mic

  3. dave commented on May 25

    do you have to listen to the obnoxious sound effects (boom, thud, screach) when you’re on the show or do they only annoy their audience with that nonsense?

  4. dave commented on May 25

    do you have to listen to the obnoxious sound effects (boom, thud, screach) when you’re on the show or do they only annoy their audience with that nonsense?

  5. Barry Ritholtz commented on May 25

    only the audience, not the guests

    only the audience, not the guests

  6. Alaskan Pete commented on May 25

    Helicopter Ben is also a comedian. Who knew?

    “responding to questions left over from his recent testimony to the Joint Economic Committee, Bernanke said both the consumer price index and the Fed’s preferred gauge, the personal consumption expenditure price index, overstate inflation”

    OVERSTATE. Bwahahahahaha!! Gassssppp, bwahahaha. Sorry Benny ‘ol bean, what little respect I had for you just went right down the shitter. And how about picking up my health insurance premium, fuel bill, airline tickets, grocery bill, and my kids’ tuition since inflation is understated. CLOWN.

  7. KirkH commented on May 25

    Totally off topic but this is Roger Ebert describing a mutant in X-Men 3.
    Bright has large dark eyes and ominously sober features that make you think he might grow up to become chairman of the Federal Reserve, or a serial killer.


  8. Alaskan Pete commented on May 26

    FED Chair/Jeff Dahmer…same/same ain’t it?

  9. Alaskan Pete commented on May 26

    FED Chair/Jeff Dahmer…same/same ain’t it?

  10. Alaskan Pete commented on May 26

    OK Barry, here’s dealio chief:

    On the “type this shit in the box so we know you’re not a spambot” page, if you hit “enter” rather than clicking on post it does nothing. Then if you click “post” immediately afterwards it double posts.

    No charge for troubleshooting your bug ridden spambot filter. Just stop censoring me, mmmkay?

  11. Mark commented on May 26

    Who else finds the SpamBot thingy irritating as all hell? Can’t we just register and get the damn thing over with? I mean, I have all these terribly clever things to say and the SpamBot thingy is delaying my seeing these terribly clever things immediately in Barry’s blog.

  12. Barry Ritholtz commented on May 26

    If it wasn’t for the anti-spambot, half of the posts would be ads for viagra, cheap mortgages and kiddie porn.

    Suck it up

  13. Mark commented on May 26

    Well, I would feel comfortable with that. It would remind me of my Inbox. :)

    But the question (if not the delivery) was serious. Isn’t there a way to register to not have to jump through this hoop? I guess not, since I’m being told to “suck it up”.

    Have a great holiday weekend all.

  14. Barry Ritholtz commented on May 26


    I meant suck it up as oppsoed to no anti-spam method.

    If typepad could set up a registered user process, so that people who register do not need to deal with the Turing Test (the anti-spambot step), would you do that?

    Question: How do people think about this? What’s your preference: Turing test or Registered User?

  15. Idaho_Spud commented on May 26

    No preference. I kinda like the double posts – twice as much food for thought ;)

  16. jab commented on May 26

    Don’t matter to me have bigger concerns in life – If my biggest aggravation is your anti spam-bot then I do not have much to complain about.

    By the way when are the charter membership available to your new service?

  17. Mark commented on May 26


    Nice cut. Very subtle. :)

  18. royce commented on May 26

    No registration. Keep the filter. Why are those names on the post crossed out?

  19. Bynocerus commented on May 26

    I wouldn’t mind registering , as it’s a one-shot deal instead of an every-time thing. And it’s kinda hard on my eyes to read those damn characters. But, I understand about the need for the test, as my personal inbox is nearly ALL sex-related/mortage offers/investment offers.

  20. Alaskan Pete commented on May 26

    I prefer a turing test, but put it on the same page as the “post a comment”. Several blogs have the turing immediately below the text box for comment so another page doesn’t have to load. I don’t know whether typepad supports that or not.

    But registration is fine too.

  21. jkw commented on May 26

    I prefer a Turing test. But having a registration option for those who wnt it is good too. Requiring registration will drive some peopple away who might have useful things to say.

  22. RW commented on May 28

    A turing test on the post editing page is the way blogspot does it and that’s convenient. Although it might reduce the number of occasional posters, an advantage a registration process might have over the Turing test approach is it could better shield the user’s email address from bots but even a Turing test routine could munge or encode the user’s data – as a combination of ASCII and hex identities w/ some interspersed HTML code for example – and that would help (if you view source on the comments page here you can see that this is typepad’s approach although it appears only ASCII identities are used and that’s a bit easier for a semi-bright bot to crack).

    Regardless I rarely post my real email address because of the waves of spam that often arrive after posting. Most blog software appears to generate pages that are wide open to user address harvesting by spam bots and, where registration is required, many form-based routines are implemented poorly, failing to observe common security practices such as encryption of form data before send.

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