Media Appearance: Bloomberg TV (11am – noon, 8/3/06)



Today is television day at the Big Picture.

This morning I’m on Bloomberg TV, from 11:00am to noon, on the show Open Exchange. We will be discussing the defensive rotation, the slowing economy, and of course, the Fed. Should be fun.

Then, its off to the Nasdaq, for some NDTV — thats New Delhi TV (I’m huge in India).

Later in the evening, the premiere bout of the day: the Ritholtz vs. Yardeni cage match.

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  1. Kevin commented on Aug 3

    My sources have already reported that Norm MacDonald has started using “Indians love Barry Ritholtz” as a punchline to EVERYTHING.

  2. jim commented on Aug 3

    Is that I hear the distant rumbling of Team One and Done revving their engines for tomorrow?

  3. BDG123 commented on Aug 3

    I expect you to beat his ass to a pulp. A few upper cuts like “Ed weren’t you bullish on stocks all the way through the 85% Nasdaq correction” will prove your manliness and win more fans. lol. Maybe then a follow up like “Hey Ed, you know all of those Nasdaq stocks are still down 85%”.

  4. Dave commented on Aug 3

    Keep shockin em Barry!

  5. Chief Tomahawk commented on Aug 3

    Where is the Main Event w/ Yardeni to take place? HBO ppv? Or is this to be some nonsanctioned bout covered only by the remote reach of cable access?

  6. Bluzer commented on Aug 3


    Could you please post a synopsis of your NDTV appearance. Particulary with regards to your take on the emerging markets in general and/or the Indian market in particular?

    Mucho Gracias

  7. Al_K commented on Aug 3

    Us west coast people need more notice. By the time we get up, have our coffee and watch the comedy channel(CNBC) market opening, it doesn’t give us much time to get to your blog before you are on the air.

  8. Bynocerus commented on Aug 3

    When is Big Picture Bollywood set for launch?

    Ritholtz v Yardeni? Why don’t they just have
    Panther v Man Cow? That would be about as fair.

  9. Alaskan Pete commented on Aug 3

    Cage match, nice.

    The Great Escape Artist Ed “Harry” Yardeni vs. Barry “Puttin on the Ritz” Ritholtz. No holds barred, “Two man enter, one man leave”.

    They could have at least given you a decent competitor. This matchup is like Holyfield vs. the 50yr old fat bald guy who lives next-door to me.

  10. kocaar commented on Aug 3

    Anyone have recent data on earnings ex-energy? Barry had a great post back in October 2005 but i wonder what it has looked like since then.

    Thanks in advance.

  11. alan commented on Aug 3

    I’d much prefer the Barry vs. Larry match first, lots of pure animal spirits here. Then the Ed and Putin on the Ritz, same day. Don’t think either will last a minute, so won’t pack a lunch. And puhleeze no front row seats for me cause these 2 leeches should gush plenty of tainted blood.

  12. BDG123 commented on Aug 3

    Hey Pete, have you seen Holyfield lately? He is the 50 year old fat bald guy. Maybe you should mosey over for an autograph.

  13. Anup commented on Aug 3

    Seems like my praise for Barry has reached the ears of NDTV in Delhi. It will be nice if you could find time to give us an update of what transpired.

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