
The Market notched another good week, with the Dow and SPX gaining about 1.5%. The big winner was the Nazz, which tacked on a hot 3.2%.

The losers? Aside from those of us in cash, the commodities got shee-lacked this week. Gold, Copper, Oil, Natural Gas were all lower, as Oil traipsed  to 6 month lows.

Where does this leave us? Wondering what comes next: Housing data Tuesday, the Fed announcement Wednesday, and a holiday shortened week for the Hebraic amongst us — Friday is what an old boss used to call "Rosh-a-Home-a," as all his Jewish employees (me included) split early for the New Year holiday.

No matter its the weekend, and you what that means: Linkfest!


• Business Week looks at What’s Really Propping Up The Economy, and astonished me with this stat: Since 2001, the health-care industry has added 1.7 million jobs. The rest of the private sector? None

• Bloomberg’s Caroline Baum is the latest sharp eyed observer to note the idiocy of the Core rate: U.S. Inflation Measure May Be Rotten at the Core   

• Cramer and I disagree about what Best Buy plasma screen sales mean; He says it bullish news on the Consumer; I say its all about the free money. Yaser Anwar takes apart BBY’s numbers;

• ECRI (and Real Money’s) Anirvan Banerji discuss economic forecasting at the IMF: Part I and part II;

• Marek Fuchs looks at Rewriting Post-9/11 Economic History;

CPI & the Soft Landing;

• Be sure to check out the Economic Cycle graphic in: A Kinder, Gentler Mr. Market?

• And what has to be the oddest of the readings I came across this week: Time For Us To Go, wherein an eclectic group of Conservatives call for a GOP rout. (If anyone can explain this one to be, I would be eternally grateful).   


• Lots of reasons why the Market’s have been in Rally mode

• As mentioned, Commodites suffered big whackage this week; Barron’s blames ETFs;

• Front page WSJ:  The Hedge-Fund King Is Getting Nervous

• By definition, everyone can’t be a contrarian.  While so many people were looking for a September sell off, it was that much less lkely to happen. (that is, until everone gets bullish)

• An amusing hypotheticasl meeting of the plunge protection team: The Exchange Stabilization Fund

• Alan Farley urges you to Play Defense Amid Confused Action; Harry Schiller Sizes Up the Short Side; Richard Suttmeier on The Technical Dilemma (if no Real Money sub, then go here);

• Dan Gross observes that is you Dump Your CEO, Today — Your stock price will rise

• Dell keeps Losing Money by Buying Stock Back

Merrill on Mutual Fund Cash Levels;

• ‘BRIC’ ETF Needs to Build Results

7 stocks for the really really long run

• And if you get tired of the Stock Market, you can always play the Spock Market;


• Home prices staying the same? Don’t kid yourself: There are Freebies Galore as Home Builder’s keep piling on Incentives;

• Would you buy a New Home — if the Builder Helped You Sell the Old One?

• Exotic Mortgage Brokers have become the new boiler rooms;

• A brutal piece by Comstock: The Hard Landing For Housing is Already Here;

• A San Diego sales manager of a branch office of a top-10 national lender describes the typical profile of mortgage applicants; Pretty shocking

• No surprise given the above: Foreclosures spiked in August;

•  Rising Inventory of Unsold Homes reaches multi year peak


• Too many commentators are Inconsistent on Oil: It cannot be heads we win, tails you lose . . .    

$15 Oil? Philip Verleger, the first analyst to forecast the major rise in Oil, thinks prices  will plummet;

• That huge new discovery of oil in the gulf last week? Um, not so fast:  Clarification of the Huge Chevron Gulf Oil Discovery

Beware the oil trap

Investing Psychology

• A long but fascinating article on what neuroeconomics tells us about money and the brain.   

• I normally think Ben Stein is an amiable goofball, but he gets it dead right in How Not to Ruin Your Life;

The Most Common Mistake Traders Make (and how to avoid them)

• Are individual investors trading much less?

Technology and Science

Zune, Microsoft and Corporate Culture (or why Microsoft is Microsoft)   

This cant be good

:  Indonesian Bird Flu Case May Have Spread Among People


• Uh-oh, idiot copyright alert: Universal to upload lawsuits to YouTube, MySpace?

Official questions regulatory scrutiny of Apple — they urge Europe to let new technology develop without interference;

• A puffy shirt, I understand, but a Puffy planet? That poses a pretty puzzle;

The Train to the Roof of the World

• NASA researchers find Artic ice has shrunk abruptly;

Princeton Prof Hacks E-Vote Machine

Music, Film, Books, Television, Fun stuff

• I have little interest in seeing the film The Last Kiss, but I already ordered the soundtrack. It has many of the same artists as the terrific Garden State;

• I am also checking out the brand new CDs from:

– The Black Keys – Magic Potion

– John Mayer – Continuum

– Barenaked Ladies – Barenaked Ladies Are Me

But I do like old school:

Count Basie Swings, Joe Williams Sings

– Frank Sinatra – Live in Australia, 1959

• A documentary I do want to see is The U.S. Vs. John Lennon; Here’s the official site, and you can see the Trailer here;         

• A band I previously mentioned in this space — Bittersweet — is in the season opener of Grey’s Anatomy this Thursday; (streaming here) Live performance video at KCRW: Morning Becomes Eclectic 

• And I am totally jazzed about the new Casino Royale;

• Most people know Aaron Sorkin from West Wing, but I always loved his TV spoof Sports’ Night. Now, he puts TV back in his gunsites with Studio 60;

•  The next book up inthe queue: Peter Atkins’s Galileo’s Finger: The Ten Great Ideas of Science;

Car facing a 747 backwash (Cool!)

• This killed me:  Star Trek Cribs – The Director’s Cut (Artwork: Dope!)

• And the funniest bit of broadcast TV this week, David Letterman and Ann Heche discuss lesbians . . .

And whatever else you do this week, for God’s sake, don’t eat your Spinach!

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Discussions found on the web:
  1. brion commented on Sep 17

    “Time for us to go”?
    From Chris Buckley (William F.’s kid?)…
    “…My fellow Republicans, it is time, as Madison said in Federalist 76, to “Hand over the tiller of governance, that others may fuck things up for a change….”
    Propaganda, as a means of governance, will only take you so far… After a while an administration must possess the capability to, uh, ACTUALLY GOVERN and not simply print and dispense dollars to every Tom (Delay) Duke (Cunningham) and Abramoff.
    Also, there are still “the Elders” of the Republican party to consider. They’ve been none too pleased with the profligate bunch ru(i)nning the country in THEIR name these last 6 years….

  2. GRL commented on Sep 17

    • And what has to be the oddest of the readings I came across this week: Time For Us To Go, wherein an eclectic group of Conservatives call for a GOP rout. (If anyone can explain this one to be, I would be eternally grateful).

    The explanation is very simple: People are fed up because the Republican Party has abandoned the principles of small government that got it elected. Now, all the Republican Party seems to stand for is the Love of Power.

    To give just one small example and put this in personal terms:

    I voted for Bush for one reason: he promised Social Security reform and privatization. However, shorthly after the election, with their hold on power somewhat threatened by the prospect of having to do what they promised, the congressional Republicans wasted no time in throwing that project overboard. Now we will face an even bigger problem with more difficult choices, all because Charles Grassley and a bunch of other Washington Republicans decided securing their hold on power to be more important than doing what is right for the country.

    I won’t even get into the whole debate between the neoconservatives and the libertarians over Iraq, the war on terror, Arnold, or the goofballs who want to shut down the border with Mexico.

  3. brion commented on Sep 18

    i can’t say as i even came close to voting for W. either time but then i prefer that the President of the U.S. be MORE intelligent/honorable than myself (let alone my elementary school-age daughter)
    i’m funny that way….

  4. drey commented on Sep 18

    Really Barry, you are remiss in talking new releases without mentioning Dylan’s latest effort, Modern Times. Haven’t heard it yet but reviews are good and if it’s anywhere near as good as Time Out of Mind I’ll be stoked.

    In fact, there’s a lyric from TOM which sums up my attitude on politics these days – I used to care but things have changed…actually that’s not quite true. More accurate to say I care, but not that much.

  5. brion commented on Sep 18

    Yea we really should keep to One (Republican) party rule because the only alternative are the pedophile, kitty-bashing, Mao praising, godless AIDS farming Defeatocrat ‘Libruls….

    (Thanks for the snark anon….that WAS snark wasn’t it?)

  6. John F. commented on Sep 18

    “Time for us to Go.” It’s self-explanatory if you read your own links. The Bush hegemony has made conservatives long for the gridlock envisioned by Madison and Hamilton. This would tend to keep us out of adventures like Iraq, attacks on civil liberties, and profligate spending. Also, the Republican Party needs a wake-up call. A couple of the writers note that Speaker Pelosi would produce the shortest period of exhile, but a number are in theory willing to embrace Hillary, particularly if the pseudo-con McCain is the alternative. If that doesn’t help, I suggest you read the Federalist Papers.

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