New MSM Blogger: NYT’s Floyd Norris

We have noted in the past when major mainstream press started their blogging efforts. The list includes  the WSJ’s blogging efforts (Barron’s, too), the NYT’s large collection of Blogs, Dow Jones Marketwatch blogs, and BusinessWeek’s blogs.

In the story we referenced earlier today, we discovered a new luminary on the blogging scene: the NYT’s venerable business reporter, Floyd Norris.

Trenchant: That’s what The Big Picture was called as one of the economic sites mentioned in Norris’ BlogRoll — which had the effect of sending me to to make sure I understood what the word meant.

BTW, his blogroll has an interesting feature: it randomizes the order on each page launch. I don’t recall  seeing that any where else.



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  1. Jon H commented on Sep 2

    ” it randomizes the order on each page launch. I don’t recall seeing that any where else.”

    Interesting. Avoids accusations of preferential placement. (Actually, those may arise from parties unaware of the randomization, but can be swiftly dealt with.)

  2. KirkH commented on Sep 3

    You’ve gotta get WordPress. It can do randomization out of the box. Plus you can easily add RSS feeds to your site, etc.

    Interesting blog that guy’s got. A quote “To continue reading the page you requested, you must be a subscriber to TimesSelect. Log in now.”

    He had me at “you must”.

    In my not so humble opinion the term “mainstream media blogger” should be added to the list below:
    Jumbo Shrimp
    Pretty Ugly
    Working Vacation
    Independent Financial Advisor

  3. Jrs commented on Sep 3

    Agree with KirkH..A free trail to look at a blog? Mr Norris classification of a blog should be under oxymoron for his ethereal “liquid gas” look at promoting “limited omniscience” in the “analog blogshpere”. Yet without the “limited full support” of the blog world his blog will be part of the “living dead” for his “original copy” of an economic blog…Enough puns….

  4. donna commented on Sep 3

    Yup, I use WordPress and my blogroll comes up in random order. I didn’t like it at first, but now I love it because I see different stuff first every day. I can still go check all the big blogs, but a lot of the little ones I don’t get to for a few days sometimes.

    And I read A LOT of little ones… sigh. And zero mainstream media ones. I figure if they say anything important someone will bring it up. ;^) And especially when they say something really stupid. ;^)

    I tried RSS feeds, but miss the look and feel of each site too much.

  5. Michael commented on Sep 5 has had a random listing option for years.

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