Mad Advice

A parody that seems to have been done with good humor and a sense of appreciation for the underlying subject:

Click for video

Favorite lines:

"You’re making me look like a middle-aged guy with his sleeves rolled up screaming into the camera."

"We got a reader in the house"

Hat tip:  Fly on WallStreet

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  1. sw commented on Nov 16

    Best. Satire. Ever.

  2. John F. commented on Nov 16

    Why does everyone pick on Cramer? Anyone whose investment posture is determined by the leanings of a TV show needs to “grow a pair of balls”.

  3. me commented on Nov 16

    “Why does everyone pick on Cramer?”

    Becuase he is a loudmoth idiot that cannot beat a dartboard. If you get no financial information from him then you must consider that good entertainement. It actually is a waste of bandwidth.

  4. Barry Ritholtz commented on Nov 16

    C’mon — he has done a lot of good too — cult of personality aside, he is a smart guy who has built both The into something pretty decent and made CNBC interesting.

    The show is not for everyone — I find retail people like it, and pros hate it — but its brought some fun back to bubble vision . . .

  5. MAS (San Diego) commented on Nov 16

    Cramer helped me find Kudlow which help me find The Big Picture.

  6. lurker commented on Nov 16

    and now you can drop Cramer and ignore Kudlow as nature intended.

  7. toddZ commented on Nov 16

    If we use a diaphragm instead can I still get gonorrhea?
    “I don’t know that one… What’s the ticker symbol?”


    My other favorite:
    “Sell the surgery and buy THE CHEMO! Boo-YAA!”

  8. GerryL commented on Nov 16

    When did CNBC become Cramer and Nothing But Cramer? If he isnt on the air then somebody is quoting him. I really cant take the screaming anymore. It has driven me to Bloomberg which reminds me of what CNBC used to be.

    Does anybody know what is the status of a Fox business channel? I have a feeling there isnt going to be one but they really enjoy keeping CNBC scared of the possibility.

  9. howard Lindzon commented on Nov 16

    Why should fox start a channel – so two stations get a share of a shrinking market?

  10. Yaser Anwar commented on Nov 16


    CNBC would wish they have Fox’s viewer ship, 1.4 mil. Whereas CNBC has around 300ish, except of course when Cramer is on (and even BR ;))

    me- “he is a loudmoth idiot that cannot beat a dartboard.”

    I don’t even think you understand how you ought to interpret his calls. Let’s remove all the hype everything from Cramer and compare him to a blogger who likes to talk about a stock each day. The difference is almost identical, like many stock-specific bloggers out there, Cramer gives you ideas each day which you can trade on. You need to identify the best one for your risk profile and goals, then do your due diligence.

    Cramer is like an idea machine, that’s all. Not every pick of his will make someone money nor loose it. So you saying that he can’t beat a dartboard is completely ridiculous. He’s had a 24% return record for 15 yrs at his HF, so please show some respect, even if you don’t agree with how he presents the ideas.

    Anybody who buys/sells without their own due diligence needs to “grow a pair of balls” (wow that’s becoming Big Picture’s, lol, one liner diss). Anyhow, sorry I don’t mean to offend you, just my two cents.

  11. GerryL commented on Nov 16


    I think you are right about not sharing a shrinking market. The rumor about a Fox business channel has been around for years but I think the reason they havent done it is because of how small the market is.


    I agree with your evaluation of Cramer. He does give a lot of interesting ideas and what you need to do is make your own decisions about them. What scares me about Cramer is that he has a large following of people that really dont understand the markets and blindly follow him. I fear that those people are going to get hurt.

  12. Yaser Anwar commented on Nov 16


    I think it was Graham who once said, “Experience is the toughest school, but fools will learn in no other.”

    Once people will get hurt, then they will realize it. Especially of late when some of his calls have been take over targets and upside surprises, people fear “missing the boat” but sooner or later they will get hurt if they don’t exercise caution.

  13. bushsux commented on Nov 16

    Don’t drop Cramer, fade him. that’s the way to make Mad Money. Kudlow is unwatchable.

  14. DD commented on Nov 16

    we’ve got a reader is a bill hicks line….

  15. V L commented on Nov 16

    “In summary, Mr. Cramer’s stock market calls since May 2000 have low consistency and an accuracy just south of coin-flipping (below average 47%). He seems more a stream of uncalibrated opinion than a stock market maven.”

    I often short his picks a couple of days later (time for the suckers to buy and for me to do the home work) after he makes the recommendation. His latest gift was recommending a copper mining loser. I shorted LMC at $39 three days after Cramer’s recommendation of the stock; today (ten days later) it is $33.50 (no rush to cover it).
    I cannot watch this guy on TV because of all the screaming and noise, instead I use this blog ( to screen for short candidates.

  16. Bob A commented on Nov 16

    I just took a cramer. wiped. flushed. Now I feel better.

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