Fame & Fortune in Business Week

I found this to be utterly amusing:

On a personal note, my own fame has resulted recognition by the guy who punches my LIRR ticket, and in my old office, the guy who filled the soda machine — and that’s pretty much it.

So much for fame.

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  1. logicalthought commented on Jan 26

    That chick is SERIOUSLY cute…

    Is she smarter than Maria?

    Wait a second…

    My KEYBOARD is smarter than Maria!

  2. S commented on Jan 26

    Enduring fame requires a gimmick. Bow-tie? Already done. Eye patch? Too piratey. Fedora? Possibly.

    How about……sweaters!

    I bet if you ALWAYS appeared on camera wearing a super stylish sweater, more people would stop you on the street and say, “hey, aren’t you the sweater guy from TV?”

    Sweaters. The garment to immortal fame.

  3. Metroplexual commented on Jan 26

    Hey that a pretty fricken big camera for youtube. Too funny.

  4. theroxylandr commented on Jan 26

    >>> On a personal note, my own fame has resulted recognition by the guy who punches my LIRR ticket, and in my old office, the guy who filled the soda machine — and that’s pretty much it

    That’s bearish :-)

    Seriously :-)

  5. DavidB commented on Jan 27

    You need to make a scandal Barry. THEN you’ll be known by everybody….for about 15 minutes (;

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