Media Appearance: Kudlow & Company (1/16/07)



Back in the studio tonite, at 5:00 – 5:45 pm.  The topics will include earnings, as well as the market rally, Intel, CEO pay, Housing data, and of course, other more amusing economic data.

Bob Pisani is guest hosting. Other panelists include the forthright Herb Greenberg, Chris Edmonds on oil, and the very bullish J.J. Burns.

Should be fun.o>

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  1. Lauriston commented on Jan 16

    Good man Pisani! Excellent commentary from the floor. And his brother Santelli too. Forza Italia!

  2. alexd commented on Jan 16

    Is there a place to watch this online? This demanding video instead of video on demand is hard to deal with.

    Esp.since I found out at 5:58.

  3. louis commented on Jan 16

    I see that you will be on NBR tomorrow, cool, will see you then.

  4. Cherry commented on Jan 16

    Recovery? Not really.

    I am surprised not more discussion on the Sub-prime collapse. The entire industry is dead. Soon prime lenders will become extinct species.

  5. Mark commented on Jan 16

    “Soon prime lenders will become extinct species.”

    uh yeh, see Wells Fargo results today?

  6. Cherry commented on Jan 16

    Why do I care about ‘results’ that mean little in the big schemes of things. The Chain reaction is much more important. It is like saying your in a exploding ship though your part hasn’t blown up yet.

  7. bullrally commented on Jan 16

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  8. my1ambition commented on Jan 17

    M3, if he were an American President he’d just start a war to benefit the economy…

  9. winjr commented on Jan 17

    “hmm… looks like Mr. Ahmadinejad is skating on thin ice within his own country.”

    Wow. Might even be impeached.

    So, from Israel’s perspective — the perception of a march to nuclear weaponry — is it a goal of the clerics, the end resevoir of power? Will it march on, even with Ahmadinejad’s ouster?

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