Biz Radio


I did an interview with Dan Frishberg of Biz Radio Networks last week (sounding nasal and tired). You can stream it from their site, or download the podcast from iTunes.

The problem with live radio/TV is that you always remember what you want to say later. There were two things I meant to say, but I either never spit it out or said it very poorly. They were:

– I never managed to say: "It only takes a dozen years to become an overnight sensation;" But its the case — you can toil away in obscurity doing the same thing and never be noticed; 

– I did say there’s a "dearth" of original thinking on Wall Street. That overstates the case. To be sure, there is certainly plenty of herding and groupthink. However, I am constantly reading other people whose work I find tremendously insightful and value added.

Perhaps in hindsight, the word "dearth" was too strong. The huge blogroll (at left) and the weekend linkfests are a testament to the many thoughtful and unique voices there are on the Street, beyond the usual sources.

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  1. David Silb commented on Feb 9

    Oh cheer up my friend. Only suck-ups and brown nosers listen to those shows with real intensity.

    We all know and get you. And you usually get it right most times.

    So, you didn’t say what you thought you should have, if they’d listened and thought you had something worthwhile to say then they would swing around to this website.

    So be of good cheer and keep flying those flags of discontent. I still think the market is going to correct in a way often discussed here.

    But that’s just my humble opinion.

  2. matt m. commented on Feb 9

    BR: One reason that there is a “dearth” of quality thinking made public is that most of the top traders do not talk….period. Nearly every market opinion mentioned each day and week has an ulterior motive ie. speaker/writer is trying to raise money thru publicity…fund mgr. trying to increase asset flow in…blog guy trying to drive viewership and thus ads etc..
    What’s the upside to a crackerjack trader talking to the press or publishing their work? Very little….unless they’re looking to raise more funds.

  3. Bob A commented on Feb 9

    You should do this kind of thing more often. While appearing on Kudlow has it’s unique benefits I suppose, no one could ever learn anything substantive about what you think from those appearances, since he never let’s you get in more than one or two sentences, and rarely are you allowed to complete those.

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