Media Appearance: Kudlow & Company (4/23/07)


A regular appearance is scheduled tonite. Discussions will be on on Earnings, Markets, and the Economy.

In additon to yours truly, also appearing on the show tonite will be:

Craig Columbus

Robert Albertson

Jared Bernstein

Robert Keiser
Don Luskin

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Discussions found on the web:
  1. Chris commented on Apr 23

    Why does that douchebag Luskin keep getting invited back. If this the side effect of this rally it really needs to end.

  2. babygal commented on Apr 23

    Wow what an a-hole that Luskin is!!!! Barry you desrve a medal for putting up with that uptight pompous ass-he must have male problems that make him insecure.

  3. S commented on Apr 23

    Wow, Luskin treated you as if you pissed in his Cheerios this morning. Wonder why he was so belittling and condescending.

  4. joan commented on Apr 23

    I just saw some of Kudlow’s show…Barry you handled yourself with alot of class.
    That guy was a real S.O.B.

  5. GerryL commented on Apr 23

    Luskin acts like a 5 year old. He obviously has different views but why cant he discuss them like an adult?

    It isnt just his words, his facial expressions remind me of a child throwing a tantrum.

  6. MAS (San Diego) commented on Apr 23

    How about a new show for CNBC called Kudlow Celebrity Boxing?

    Potential card:

    Reich vs Moore
    Laffer vs Shilling
    Greenberg vs Pisani
    Kass vs Cramer
    Ritholtz vs Luskin

  7. John commented on Apr 23


    Now THAT sounds like some Must-See TV! They can put it on right after Honk Bag.
    ~ ~ ~
    So far as Luskin, I didn’t see it. But from the descriptions here, Fleckenstein’s term end-zone dancing comes to mind.

  8. Rick commented on Apr 23

    Barry, you handled yourself with class. Luskin is uptight and childish.

  9. RW commented on Apr 23

    Hey, it’s just show biz — clowns like Luskin are good for ratings — the best revenge is not watching.

  10. Nova Law commented on Apr 23

    Barry, Luskin is going to continue to tweak you on your Dow 6800 prediction, it’s too much of a temptation for him to let it go, especially if you’re not prepared to address it in a snappy manner. Your explanation given today that “I predicted 6800 only after I predicted 11,800” sounded an awful lot like “I voted for it before I voted against it.”

    In that kind of format, acknowledging error in the past and moving on to current conditions is a far more effective communications strategy.

  11. Steve commented on Apr 23

    I thought you were going to leap through the screen and slap him — what a putz!

  12. Billy commented on Apr 23

    I stopped watching Kudlow about 6 months ago. I think Larry is a likeable guy but the show sucks. Furthermore I disconnected the cable about a month ago. I get OTA HDTV. I’m not missing anything on the boob am I? TheBigPicture is my favorite blog to read. Barry is a class act and I hope his blog continues for a long time to come. I’m in cash until I see a correction.

  13. Sammy20 commented on Apr 23

    Good job tonight Barry…I was concerned you were going to let that blowhard off easy!

    And what is that Diane Swonk smokin???…Jeez!

    I still can’t believe all these people denying any and all housing contagion!

  14. V L commented on Apr 23

    Luskin is a psychopath with narcissistic traits. He does not possess even the most rudimentary conscience. There is no point in arguing with a sick man – only aggravations and waste of time.

  15. Tom C., Stamford,Ct. commented on Apr 23

    Don’t fight the tape, kids. No one is right all the time. Barry, you’re right globally but have been wrong technically (easy to say,I know, after the fact). BTW, one would think a correction is due. I’ve felt that way for a while and am lagging the market ytd. Big year last year, however and sticking with metals, ag and selective multi-nationals among a few others.

  16. Norm commented on Apr 23

    Even though I’m closer to Luskin’s camp on the issues than to yours, I emailed Luskin and told him, nicely, that he was out of place with his Crossfire-type intimidation tactics.

    Good for you for maintaining your composure.

  17. Dave commented on Apr 23

    Would you care to share this with Herr Prof. Luskin ?

    Home Equity Is Rising Source
    Of Funds, Greenspan Paper Says
    April 23, 2007 12:35 p.m.

    WASHINGTON — Housing equity served as a growing source of funds for U.S. consumer spending between 2001 and 2005, financing close to 3% of total personal consumption expenditures, according to a paper co-authored by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

    In the paper, posted on the Fed’s Web site Monday, Greenspan and Fed Economist James Kennedy estimate that between 1991 and 2005, equity extracted through home sales, home-equity loans and cash-out refinancings freed up about $530 billion per year in cash available for other uses, such as consumption and debt repayment.

    The paper was dated March 2007. (See the report.)

    Between 1991 and 2005, home equity extraction directly financed about $66 billion a year of consumer spending, Messrs. Greenspan and Kennedy estimated, and $115 billion per year when the indirect effect of nonmortgage debt repayments, mostly credit cards, is included.

    But the role home equity played in consumer spending rose sharply after 2000. Between 1991 and 2000, equity extraction directly financed just 0.6% of overall spending, and that share has since risen to almost 1.75%, according to Messrs. Greenspan and Kennedy.

    When the indirect effect on installment debt repayments is included, the home equity extraction effect rises from 1.1% of total consumer spending between 1991 and 2000 to almost 3% between 2001 and 2005, according to Messrs. Greenspan and Kennedy.

  18. brion commented on Apr 24

    You handled yourself well barry considering “NO ONE EXPECTS THE LUSKIN INQUISITION!!”

    just took a peak at his Conspiracy blog…

    “Here’s the YouTube video of tonight’s Kudlow & Company on CNBC, in which Barry “Blind Pig” Ritholtz finds an acorn in the commodity sector. But not until he admitted he was wrong about his horrible “Dow 6800” prediction (after being subjected to Gitmo-style interrogation techniques involving playing Brittany Spears songs until the subject’s eyes roll up and his head caves in).

    I’m going out on a limb here with a guess that Luskin’s a Republican…..(god what an ass)

  19. ramon3579 commented on Apr 24

    Was D.L. like that before? My only experience with him prior to the 5-part online debate with Barry was his appearance on Kudlow with Mike Panzer–there at least he seemed civil and in good humor.

    It makes one wonder what sort of feedback he got after the 5-part thing… I can only imagine how he was taken to task for doing such a terrible job holding up his end of the argument. Note how the moderator of that debate had to close with an unbalanced statement defending Luskin’s side. I thought he sounded embarassed!

  20. Jeff commented on Apr 24

    I don’t know why you go on with Luskin. He does not know how to engage in a dignified fashion.

    I wonder if he realizes that he comes off as a complete jerk……

  21. costa commented on Apr 24

    is there a link to any of the show last night?

  22. Josh commented on Apr 24

    The wost part of Luskin was his 5% bullish stance. Come on, I am taking on significant risk to earn 5%? That’s not bullish, its bearish when the bulls can’t compete with any money market/CD rates. That’s how you look at the earnings yield instead of bond yield.

  23. costa commented on Apr 24

    I’m a younging and wasn’t in the market for a major correction But when it does happen what do these guys like Douchskin and Carmer say? I mean once it is obvious that the bullmarket is over how can they recommend anything know that it won’t be going up for a while?

  24. AJ commented on Apr 24

    He’s creepy !

  25. John commented on Apr 24

    Luskin’s an f-ing asshole, and Kudlow’s not far behind.

  26. Winston Munn commented on Apr 24

    When stockmarket T.V. shows go from thoughtful and insightful debate about which sector is the best in which to invest and which companies offer the best growth prospects and turn instead to shrieking, hysterical, paranoid defense of the contination of the bull market, the top is in.

    Without a raging bull market, their days as T.V. personalities is numbered, and that must scare the hell out of them for them to lose all pretense at civility.

  27. Jeff commented on Apr 25

    Barry’s position has been carefully stated for anyone who was paying attention.

    While he has a market view, he has called counter moves in the market, in sectors, and in specific stocks.

    It is foolish to dwell on one dramatic call.

    There is a way to engage with dignity, as Barry did, and Luskin did not.

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